Saturday, May 31, 2014

Does the Harford County RNC Need New Leadership?

from the Dagger
From the Maryland Liberty Political Action Committee, Inc.:


Not only did you defeat HB-1513 this session, you received back up from the MDGOP this weekend.

A resolution was introduced by the Harford and Baltimore County Republican Central Committees condemning HB-1513 and demanding that no similar bill in the future ever be proposed.

Not only was this resolution passed by the more than 300 person body, it passed by voice vote.

When the resolution was presented to the at-capacity crowd of Maryland Republican leaders a loud round of applause was given after the presentation concluded.

HB-1513 bill sponsors, Republicans Pat McDonough, Rick Impallaria, Kathy Szeliga, and the rest of the Harford County delegation have continued to favor HB-1513.

They continue to stand at odds with the state Tea Party movement as well as now the entire Maryland Republican Party leadership.

You may remember that HB-1513 was the Central Committee Packing Scheme proposed to add all of the Republican legislators to the local Central Committee so that they could vote Tea Party activists off of the committee.

You see, bill sponsors McDonough, Impallaria, and Szeliga are not happy with certain Tea Party members.

Their intent with HB-1513 was to micromanage the local Republican Party rather than focus their time in Annapolis fighting to get our liberties back.

If passed, this legislation would have been used to attack Tea Party Republicans all over Maryland.

The politicians in Annapolis work for us, it’s not the other way around.

Be proud today that, against their wishes, we were able to stop the McDonough-Impallaria-Szeliga agenda to purge grassroots activists from the Maryland Republican Party.

Today, we’re glad that Party leaders all over Maryland stand with us!

Maryland Liberty PAC continues to build coalitions with like-minded Republicans around the state to stand up for grassroots conservatives, common sense liberty leadership, and a better Maryland.

We hope that McDonough, Impallaria, and GOP House Whip, Kathy Szeliga, wake up very soon to start embracing the Tea Party instead of opposing us!

Thank you to all of you who mobilized in opposition to HB-1513–your work helped us win on this issue in 2014.

We also extend thanks and gratitude to Republican leaders around Maryland who stood with the Tea Party this weekend in opposition to the actions of these rogue legislators.

Uniting Republicans and Tea Party activists around Maryland will lead our conservative cause to electoral success.

Unapologetic advocacy for solid conservative principles will energize and encourage Marylanders to support Republican candidates.

Maryland Liberty PAC is committed to creating conditions in Maryland where courageous leaders are successful in advocating for REAL pro-freedom legislation!

For Liberty,

Ted Patterson
Executive Director
Maryland Liberty PAC

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