Saturday, July 20, 2013

Infantilizing Treyvon Martin... Racist is as Racist Does

in·fan·til·ize (nfn-tl-z, n-fn-)
tr.v. in·fan·til·ized, in·fan·til·iz·ing, in·fan·til·iz·es
1. To reduce to an infantile state or condition: "It creates a crisis that infantilizes them causes grown men to squabble like kids about trivial things" (New Yorker).
2. To treat or condescend to as if still a young child:


  1. I wonder how long it will be before Trayvon Martin is officially canonized?


  2. That happened at least a year ago!

  3. I'm personally looking forward to Trayvon Martin Boulevard in 1,000 American cities for no other reason than because city fathers lack a set of balls.

  4. Monuments to urban stupidity make wonderful testaments for future generations.

  5. Well, Z has shut down comments at her left-wing blog for lack of agreement with her "Trayvon's death was a tragedy" schtick.

    Fuck no, it wasn't a tragedy. If anything it's a tragedy that the scumbag reached 17 years old before someone did society a favor and blasted his punkass.

  6. Mustang,
    It seems to me that we have very few so-called political leaders today with any balls!

  7. I don't think that was her reason beamish... I think it had a bit more to do with your characterization of her opinion.

  8. ...but I do agree that Trayvon was no innocent in the altercation.

  9. The progression of this case so far...

    Tragedy... the death
    Travesty... the prossecution
    Farce... the aftermath

  10. Funny she had no problems mischaracterizing my opinions. No, I hit the nail on the head and buried it deep. To bemoan the death of Trayvon Martin is to call in to question its necessity.

    If there were any justice in this world, George Zimmerman would receive a thank you note from Trayvon Martin's parents, as well as reimbursement for the cost of his bullet.

  11. What should be obvious to all is that there is no justice, only "just is".

  12. Aye. You know we live in a sick world when Trayvon's parents won't even thank Zimmerman for offing their kid.

  13. ...or at least buy him a box of replacement 9mm shells.
