Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thank You for Your Service, Nancy!

from the Baltimore Sun
State Sen. Nancy Jacobs, one of the longest-serving Republican lawmakers in Maryland, said Tuesday that she will not seek re-election in 2014 -- adding to the attrition of the GOP's small band of senators.

Jacobs, who represents Harford and Cecil counties, said she wants to spend more time with her husband, Bruce, and her family. She said she plans to serve out the remainder of her term.

Her retirement means that at least one-quarter of the 12-member Republican caucus in the 47-member Senate wil leave after their current terms. Sen. Barry Glassman is seking election as Harford County executive, while Sen. Allan Kittleman is doing the same in Howard County.

Jacobs, who was elected to the House of Delegates in 1994 and the Senate in 1998, is an outspoken conservative who nonetheless has found ways to work with the Democratic leadership to pass significant legislation on children's issues and crime. During this spring's debate over Gov. Martin O'Malley's firearms legislation, she was the Senate's most passionate opponent, earning admiration in defeat from gun rights advocates across the state.

The 61-year-old lawmaker served as minority whip in 2009 and 2010 and as minority leadr in 2011.

Jacobs represents a district that leans Republican but is not a sure thing for the GOP. In 2010, Jacobs won with 55 percent of the vote but narrowly lost in Harford. She prevailed on the strength of her support in Cecil.

In 2012, Jacobs won the Republican nomination for the 2nd District seat in the US. House but was easily defeatedby incumbent Democratic Rep. C.A.Dutch Ruppersberger.

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