Saturday, May 11, 2013

Benghazi. Which Barack Obama Do You See, America?


  1. I enlarged the graphic.

    I see the BHO who has given himself over to the lord of the flies.

  2. The graphic is supposed to depict the principle of anamorphosis... where an image only appears normal if viewed from a certain "angle"... in Hussein's case, the far FAR left "perspective".

  3. Joe,
    A sort of optical illusion thing?

    I looked up the term in the web and found information about The Ambassadors, an example with which I was already familiar. Dali's work, too, of course.

    The Leftist lemmings will never see Obama for what he is.

  4. More of an "ideological" illusion thing in this particular case... which is why Obamanites can't perceive the "distortion".

  5. ...and yes, the Ambassadors painting is where I first learned of the concept, too.
