Friday, February 15, 2013

The NEW Government Money Program!

From the Dagger and Ted Patterson, Maryland State Coordinator for Campaign for Liberty:
Delegate Susan McComas (R-District 35B) has lost her mind.

She filed, as the primary sponsor, House Bill 1103, a speed camera expansion bill that features as its center piece…an increase of speed camera fines to $80! Does Delegate McComas live under a rock?

Speed cameras are malfunctioning in Maryland. The Baltimore Sun is covering case after case where motorists are being fined when they were clearly not speeding. Its gotten so bad in Baltimore City that they are replacing their whole speed camera system. Instead of repealing speed cameras in Maryland, Delegate Susan McComas is implementing the liberal agenda in Annapolis by expanding them.

Apparently the fact that families are struggling in this economy doesn’t matter to Delegate McComas. You see, we live to provide revenue to the government in her mind, so why shouldn’t we pay higher fines for tickets? Delegate McComas, like Martin O’Malley, wants to expand the money going into her pocket. Speed cameras bring in millions upon millions of dollars in new tax revenue into state government every year and politicians just can’t get enough!

I need you to call Delegate Susan McComas today to tell her to hold onto her sanity and pull this bill. Call her at: 410-841-3272

Send her an email too at:

Maryland Campaign for Liberty needs your grassroots pressure to prevent this pro-speed camera legislator from getting her bill passed. If you want to get rid of Big Brother’s speed cameras, it is absolutely vital you call Delegate Susan McComas today. You and I must stand together against the fleecing of our communities by private companies working hand-in-glove with corrupt politicians in Annapolis.

Time is running out on our opportunity to stop Delegate McComas’s wild idea to expand Big Brother in Maryland, so please take action today!

For Liberty,

Theodore Patterson
Maryland State Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty

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