Wednesday, July 4, 2012

All Hail Rodney this Independence Day

from the Harford County Dagger
Last night (July 1 into July 2, 2012) I awoke hearing the rain battering against my house. This late night-to-early morning rainstorm led me to recall one of America’s forgotten heroes, Caesar Rodney, and his midnight ride for independence. Although Caesar Rodney is unfortunately forgotten by many teachers and textbook writers today, his midnight ride to Philadelphia forever changed American history; as he cast the tie-breaking vote to deliver us independence from Great Britain. The following briefly recounts Founding Father Caesar Rodney’s important role in the fight for American Independence.

On June 30, 1776, a motion for independence was put forward in the Continental Congress. Debates over independence continued into July 1, 1776. A vote was held whereby nine colonies voted for independence. Two colonies, Pennsylvania and South Carolina, voted against independence. One colony, New York, abstained from the vote, and another colony, Delaware, was split on its vote.

Delaware sent three delegates to the Continental Congress: Thomas McKean, George Read and Caesar Rodney. Mr. Rodney, however, was not present June 30 – July 1, 1776, because he was performing his duties as Brigadier General of the Delaware militia. Thus, Delaware’s tied voted was between Mr. McKean, who voted for independence, and Mr. Read, who voted against independence.

Although the Continental Congress had enough support to carry a motion declaring independence, it did not want to move forward with such a declaration without unanimous support from the colonies. Thomas McKean dispatched a rider to notify Caesar Rodney of Delaware’s tied vote and to inform him that he was desperately needed in Congress. The dispatch rider reached Rodney at almost midnight on July 1, 1776. Without delay, Caesar Rodney got on his horse and rode approximately 80 miles, through the night and a terrible thunderstorm, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Caesar Rodney arrived in Philadelphia muddied and in his boots and spurs just as another vote for independence was about to take place on July 2, 1776. Rodney cast his vote for independence, breaking Delaware’s tied vote. South Carolina and Pennsylvania changed their vote and voted for independence. New York still abstained from voting on the basis that its delegates had no specific instructions, but the Continental Congress now had its unanimous support for independence from all voting colonies.

Caesar Rodney’s midnight ride to Philadelphia would have been a strenuous ride for just about anyone, but it was even more taxing on Rodney who was of ill heath; suffering from, among other things, asthma and cancer of the jaw. It is believed that Mr. Rodney had been told of a physician in London who could treat his cancer. Whether that was true we do not know for sure. One thing, however, was for certain—Rodney’s vote for independence was considered high treason and caused him to be branded a traitor to the Crown. As history records, Caesar Rodney gave up the possibility of receiving medical treatment in London because he voted and pledged his life, fortune and sacred honor for American Independence.

It is interesting that Rome fell at the hands of a Caesar and American independence was helped to be born by the selfless and heroic actions of another Caesar—Caesar Rodney. Today, a statue of Caesar Rodney stands on Rodney Square in Wilmington, Delaware and his image appears on the 1999 U.S. Delaware Quarter. On July 4th, as we celebrate American independence by partaking in the excitement of patriotic parades, enjoying cookouts with friends and family, and watching firework displays, I ask you to share with others the story of this important, yet often forgotten, dedicated American patriot.


  1. I had never heard this story before.

    And I thought that I knew a bit about American history.

    I will add a link to this post in my posting today.

  2. Also linked at IBA.


    Happy Independence Day, Joe!

  3. That's a great story! I would have never read it but for you blog. Thanks, and have a great July 4th holiday.

  4. Glad you enjoyed the story! And thanks for passing the word about one of America's great patriots.

  5. Amazing how selfless and courageous people used to be when life was so much harder and more demanding than it is now, isn't it?

    I think it may have been that way, because they still believed in ideals and were convinced that what they did as individuals really could make a difference.

    We seem to have lost that kind of faith, haven't we?

    ~ FreeThinke

  6. Yes we have. We've also isolated ourselves socially via "television" and cut ourselves off from the "entertainments" of our former social collective.

  7. I thank you informing us about Caesar Rodney --
    and AOW for linking this so I now have an excellent site to frequent!
    Carol CS

  8. Glad that you enjoyed the post, Carol (CS)!
