Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gay Marriage is Maryland's No 1 Legislative Priority?

Once Again Annapolis' Elites Demonstrate Just How Out of Touch They REALLY Are!
from the Baltimore Sun:
Two House panels have scheduled a joint hearing on legislation legalizing same-sex marriage for next Friday at 1 p.m.

The House version of the bill was introduced Wednesday, the day of Gov. Martin O'Malley's State of the State address, and referred to both the House Judiciary Committee and the House Health and Government Relations Committee.

The hearing will be held on the first floor of the House office building in rooms 170 and 180. Those chambers can be joined by removing a temporary partition that separates them.

Baltimore Del. Luke Clippinger, who is managing the bill for the proponents, said that last year's hearing was "very good and civil" and expects the same this year.

The hearing is expected on go on considerably longer than the one held Tuesday in the Senate. Far more lawmakers will attend. And, since the bill has never before been referred to HGO, the testimony will be new for many of the lawmakers.

Last year's House hearing went on for eight hours.


  1. I see Maryland has fixed every other problem in the state, then?

  2. OBviously. The economy means nothing when compared to guaranteeing the civil rights aspects of deviant sexual behaviors.

  3. Religious Leaders Supporting Md. Gay Marriage Bill 'Cherry Picked'
