Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Campaign for Liberty Meeting Announcement

From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Friend of Campaign for Liberty,

Please join us at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Forest Hill at 7pm on Tuesday, February 28 at 7 PM and let’s get to work for freedom!

You are not alone, and you are a powerful force. Find out about our latest victory for Liberty in Harford County and prepare for upcoming battles.

Join us Tuesday night to learn more about Maryland’s latest attempts to strip you of your property rights.

What Harford County officials don’t want you to know!(Hint: it is soundly condemned by the Republican Party, is designed to destroy YOUR property rights, and Harford County IS in involved in it!)

-Join the fight to and learn about your new Councilmanic district and prepare for battle this property rights power-grab.

-Our governor thinks you should be paying MORE for a gallon of gas! Find out what you can do…

-Update on the most recent local and statewide assaults on your property rights and learn how you can fight back.

-Five minutes of hard truth that got the Judge fired from Fox!

-Just what IS the American View of foreign policy. Have we gone the way of Rome–and will our fate be the same?

Get connected with people and work together to make a difference and build a freedom movement here in Harford County.
Refreshments will be available.

February 28, 2012 at 7 pm
Knights of Columbus Hall
23 Newport Drive
Forest Hill

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