Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Democrats Circumvent Regular Order to Assure Passage of Gay Marriage Bill

from the Washington Post
A pair of Maryland House committees are planning to vote jointly Tuesday starting at 4:30 p.m. on same-sex marriage legislation, according to several delegates.

A majority vote would send a bill sponsored by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) to the full chamber for a high-stakes debate later this week.

O’Malley and his allies have been scrambling in recent days to persuade a majority of delegates to support the bill in the House, where a similar measure failed last year. In recent weeks, the governor has stepped up outreach to Republicans.

This year’s bill was assigned to two House committee: Judiciary and Health & Government Operations after concerns arose that the House leadership lacked the votes on Judiciary to move the measure to the floor.

Word that the two committees will vote jointly Tuesday was immediately protested by some opponents.

“This combined vote manipulates the process to ensure passage,” Del. Michael D. Smigiel Sr. (R-Cecil) said on Twitter.
Update 2/15 - it passed, of course.


  1. This is truly sad. I wonder if they know that in highly secular countries where gay marriage has been in effect for over a decade, homosexuals are offing themselves at an alarming clip.


  2. The life expectancy of a male homosexual is not under 50 for NO reasons.
