Thursday, December 8, 2011

Casa de MD Concedes Petition Signatures

from the Baltimore Sun
Attorneys backed by CASA de Maryland who are trying to block a 2012 referendum on the Maryland Dream Act have modified their lawsuit against the state, and now concede that opponents of the controversial law did gather enough valid signatures.

The CASA attorneys still contend that the referendum should not go forward because they say the law, which grants in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, is technically an appropriations measure and therefore not allowed to be petitioned. Oral arguments in the case are set for late January.

"We feel very strongly ... that this is the kind of law that the the Maryland Constitution prevents from going to referendum," said Joseph Sandler, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs.

The development means that a Maryland court will not have a chance to rule on a new internet tool that was used this year to gather signatures for the repeal effort. Maryland Republicans hope to use the tool more frequently, and have toyed with employing it to protest Gov. Martin O'Malley's congressional redistricting map.

The initial lawsuit had claimed that the signatures generated from online petitions did not pass legal muster.


  1. Enough valid signatures, huh?

    Maybe the citizens of Maryland have had enough of pandering to illegals.

    I know many legal immigrants in Maryland, and all of them, most of them naturalized citizens, are opposed to the Maryland Dream Act.

  2. That's why the referendum stopping the new benefit is going to pass and the legislature admonished.
