Sunday, October 23, 2011

Perry Attacks Romney


  1. As a person who is on record as having supported the election efforts of a Democratic Party candidate after 1952, it is far too statistically likely Rick Perry will go ding dong and start killing people in a grocery store parking lot. Listen to him speak. You can tell he's just one bad doughnut away from gunning people down.

    Flipping his Camp Niggerhead rock over and calling himself a Republican doesn't fool me. The man is a psycho Democrat, forcing schoolchildren to take a dubious vaccination "for their own good."

    Of the four lifelong liberals and leftists the Teabaggers are backing as a "anyone but Romney" candidate, Perry is probably the most dangerous of them. Let's keep him in Texas until toothbrushes become commonplace there.

  2. Still shilling for Romney, beamish? You'd think that you and your "conservative" band embedded with the Ron Pauler contingent of the OWS movement in Zuccotti Park would have a better candidate to offer. But no, sadly, the only candidate that Republican "conservatives" have been able to offer the American electorate is a Massachusetts liberal. No surprises there. it was his turn, after all, much as it will likely be Jon Huntsman's turn to be the "conservative" Republican standard bearer in 2016.

    As, the duck wouled say, "Keep pitching 'til you win, beamish!"

  3. I don't like Romney, but I'll take him over any candidate you far-left Teabaggers glom onto.

  4. ...and you'll take Huntsman in 2016 because it'll be his turn, then.

  5. Nah. If the Teabaggers are actually still around in 2016, Huntsman may have proven himself sufficiently left-wing enough by that time to garner most of their support.

  6. ...that is, if they're not still pining for Comrade Bachmann then.

  7. lol! All this from the Zuccotti Park "conservatives".

  8. So how many anti-Romney ads have the Zuccotti Park conservatives run? Zero. Why? They're all paying for "Romney for President" ads.

  9. The only three candidates with any traction among the Fleabaggers are Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, and Barack Obama.

    The Fleabagger movement is almost left-wing enough to integrate into the Teabagger movement.

  10. I'm sure that you're just the one with the ability to square THAT circle. But then, getting Ron Paul mad enough at the RNC to run as an Independent and guarantee Barack Obama's re-election couldn't have been too easy for you.... could it?
