Friday, September 2, 2011

Rick Perry to Fundraise in Maryland

from The Baltimore Sun
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, is set to make a stop in Baltimore later this month to raise money for his presidential bid, an event that would be his first in Maryland since announcing his national intentions last month.

Organizing the fundraiser is Republican money man Dick Hug, a veteran from Gov. Robert Ehrlich's tenure. He also raised money for President George W. Bush.

Hug said that he flew down to Texas about three weeks ago with other fundraisers and spent time with the Perry team. "When you see him and meet with him you'll be very impressed," Hug said. "He's going to be our next president."

The Perry fundraiser is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. Tuesday Sept. 27 at The Center Club in downtown Baltimore. Tickets are $2,500 and include a photo-op with the presidential hopeful, according to a list compiled by Annapolis lobbyist Bruce Bereano.

Blue Maryland isn't often where GOP presidential candidates spend time looking for votes, though as my colleague John Fritze noted in a story earlier this summer, the state is great place to scoop up cash.

In June potential contenders and big shots stopping by the state for fundraisers included: Pizza magnate Herman Cain, tea party star Sarah Palin and the top GOP budget maker in Congress Rep. Paul Ryan.

Also former House Speaker Newt Gingrich headlined an event for the Maryland Republican Party over the summer. And last year former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney spoke at the state GOP party dinner.


  1. It'll be interesting to see how Perry does.

  2. I like everything about him except the Texas parallels to GWB.

  3. He was Al Gore's campaign manager in Texas when Gore ran for President in 1988. He supported Hillary Clinton's attempt at taking over health care in 1993. In 2009, he was the leading cheerleader among Republican governors for the TARP bailouts.

    Because he is eternally tainted with documentable support for a Democrat, I don't think we can absolutely rule out that he has a deep-seated desire to destroy the US Constitution with as many deaths of American citizens as possible.

    Either that, or he's just stupid, neither of which are traits we want in the next President.
