Monday, August 1, 2011

We're only going to START Regulating Abortion Centers Now?

Where have the state regulators been since 1973? I guess not many women must have been REALLY dying from illegal unregulated abortions after all... so what was that 1973 landmark legal case, Roe v. Wade about, again? A woman's Constitutional Right to inferior medical standards of care?

Baltimore Sun
Abortion clinics in Maryland will have to apply for a state license, provide a 24-hour hotline for patients, show that they have qualified anesthesia providers and develop emergency plans should procedures go awry according to new draft regulations the state's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene released Friday.

Clinics failing to comply would face a $1,000 penalty -- or have their license revoked. The department is seeking public comment on the regulations until mid-August.

In a statement, the health department said the draft regs "reflect the right balance of preserving both safety and access."

The regulations were issued in response to a high-profile incident last fall when a woman was critically injured at an Elkton clinic run by Steven C. Brigham, a man who did not have a license to practice medicine in Maryland. His unorthodox approach involved initiating abortions in New Jersey and instructing patients to drive to Maryland where he completed the surgery.

Revelations about the Elkton clinic led lawmakers and religious groups to call for tighter rules governing the state's approximately 40 abortion providers. But abortion rights activists worried that that overly onerous regulations could shut down most or all clinics in the state. Both sides are expected to comment on the draft rules.

In drafting the regulations, Maryland's health department researched other times when abortions have gone awry. They found that in the past 20 years the five doctors have been disciplined for harming patients. Three of the 5 incidents stemmed from poor administration of anesthesia.
And requiring abortion doctors to have both a medical degree AND a license to practice is an overly onerous regulation??? How bad does politically correct hypocisy have to stink before common sense takes over?


  1. I didn't hear this..holy COW!
    How can you overly regulate men who can kill their patients and HAVE?

    And, of course, you've heard now that insurance companies must pay for birth control with no copays, Not sure how I feel about that, but mostly not good.

  2. Evidently, the Left hates "regulations" even more than the Right. But then let's be honest. Laws and Regulations are ALWAYS for the other guy... not you.
