Monday, March 21, 2011

Say Goodbye to Energy Independence, Maryland

from the Maryland Daily Record
ANNAPOLIS — The Maryland House of Delegates is set to vote this week on an effort to restrict drilling for natural gas in western Maryland.

Democratic Delegate Heather Mizeur of Montgomery County is pushing a bill to severely limit when the state can issue drilling permits.

If the House approves it Tuesday, the bill would still need the approval of the Senate and Democratic Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Oil and gas companies are seeking permission from many East Coast governments to access the multi-state Marcellus Shale. The formation holds large supplies of natural gas, but can only be accessed with hydraulic fracturing, a process environmentalists oppose.

A House committee last week rejected an effort by Republican Delegate Wendell Beitzel of Garrett County to require the Maryland Department of Environment to issue drilling permits.
I love the statement in the article, "a process environmentalists oppose". Are there ANY technically feasible energy extraction processes that environmentalists DON'T oppose in "some measure"? Not even the utopian environmentalist "holy grail" of "green hyrdrogen" passes THAT test.

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