Sunday, February 20, 2011

O'Malley: GOP governors "live in a different world"

Indeed they do. Unfortunately for O'Malley, the citizens realize that theirs is the real one, and all O'Malley and his Democrat colleagues ever do when in office is to kick unavoidable economics problems down the road for Republicans to solve.
from the Baltimore Sun

Richmond, VA — Gov. Martin O’Malley stepped into the national spotlight as the head of Democratic Governors Association for first time Saturday night, delivering a twenty minute address to Virginia Democrats that urged government investments in education and infrastructure.

The themes he struck echoed his inaugural address and campaign stump speeches: Democrats should not run away from traditional priorities even in difficult economic times. Keeping schools and transportation projects funded will help states “move forward, not backward,” he said.

Political observers have been keeping close tabs on O’Malley since he became the head of the DGA late last year. Others, including former President Bill Clinton, used the job to build a national profile. O’Malley is term limited.

The governor has made frequent trips Washington, DC in the past two months and he’s sharpened his partisan rhetoric, tangling in the media with the Republican governors of Florida and New Jersey.

O’Malley’s address, delivered to about 1,400 at Virginia Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, was laced with partisan remarks. The governor derided the “current crop of tea partying Republican governors” saying they “live in a different world.”

“The Republican governors’ tea party is more Mad Hatter than James Madison,” O’Malley said. He took another jab at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, calling the Republican darling a “colorful character.” For the Republicans, he said, “There is no need to pay bills, no need to protect bond ratings, no need to invest in the future. Down is up, up is down; candy is a vegetable, and vegetables are candy.”
What vegetables has the governor offered Maryland's citizens? None, other than drippings from Obama's ever-slowing and unreliable federal gravy train (high speed rail). All the current Maryland governor knows how to do is produce more expensive candy for government public union members from the private economies' overtaxed and henceforth wilting vegetable garden.

After all...
"Whose state pension plan is the lowest rated in the country? Whose state pension plan is $19 billion in the red and only 64 percent funded? Who, rather than address the long-term solvency of the Maryland state pension plan, is tinkering at the margins to eke out some savings to offset this year's budget deficit?

Who's going to be long gone from the Governor's House when the pension system blows a hole in the state budget like an iceberg against the Titanic, taking every public sector employee's pension and the entire state down to the bottom?


  1. I hope you don't mind, but I might blog that video you linked for me...isn't that amazing?
    I'll try to remember the amazing irony of Gibbs saying "imagine if people walked around evoking HItler a few years ago".and try to find an image of the HItler=Bush posters, huh? :)
    Good luck in Maryland...
    Here in CA, we've got tons of problems but today I was driving East and saw the DARK blue ocean behind me and snow covered mountains in front of me...we've got our good stuff :-)

  2. Please, go ahead and use it. The overblown hyperbole coming from the Left needs wide circulation. ;)
