Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Perils of STILL Not Listening to the People

from The Dagger
Given the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords today, I think it is imperative that Executive Craig, County Councilman Dion Guthrie and the County Council, Jansen Robinson and leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties jointly call for an immediate rally aimed at toning down the negative political rhetoric in our country.

Such rhetoric can lead to violent consequences. Congresswoman Gifford is currently in critical condition along with 4 others…10 people are confirmed dead; shot by what appears to be a politically motivated mad man.

Today’s shooting, along with the attempted bombings in Annapolis yesterday, should illustrate to us all vividly that, now more than ever, it is time for us to put aside our differences, it is time for our leaders to call for calm, demand sanity, promote compromise and work for peaceful resolutions to our common issues.

Together, you, our leaders, must emphatically insist that violence is never the answer. Constructive dialogue conducted in a respectful manner is! after all, that is the heart of our Democracy. Without that truth, we would be nothing more than vigilante’s, warlords and savages.

Take this tragedy and show your leadership. Decry the violence. Establish a bipartisan commission to work collectively on our thornier issues. Set up a rally and explain to everyone that, though you have differences, you are unified in loving our Nation and what it stands for…Truth, Justice and PEACE.
- Omar J. Simpson, Esq., Attorney-at-Law


Right... it's the "people's" fault that the arrogant progressives in power are being attacked.

If the Left wanted a Socialist state, perhaps they should have "started" with civility instead of usurping Congressional powers and prerogatives and "deem and passing" their anti-Constitutional agenda into law.

I don't condone what was done in Arizona, but I certainly understand it. And it's high time the arrogant so-called progressives in Congress came to understand it. The problem in DC isn't one of "rhetoric", it's one of "substance", and the "substance" (social engineering through legal positivism) is one FOREIGN to traditional American values of limited government, constitutional constraint and negative liberty.

Get ready for a bunch of renewed calls from the Left for regulation of so-called "hate-speech"... even though they're responsible for generating 99% of it. After all, free speech is only an "inalienable right" if you believe that certain rights are inalienable. And that's NOT the position of the legal positivists on the Left.

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