Monday, November 22, 2010

Attack on Andy Harris (R, MD 1st) Moves to Radio

from The Baltimore Sun

In a possible sign of things to come, a liberal organization is going after Maryland Congressman-elect Andy Harris, starting today.

The initial strike, over health care, is somewhat reminiscent of the Republican strategy against Harris' Democratic predecessor. Republicans began attacking Rep. Frank Kratovil before he was sworn in and kept it up for much of his two years in the job.

Americans United for Change says it plans to whack Harris over a comment he made about health care at a Washington orientation session for new members of Congress last week. The Baltimore County Republican became a Democratic target after he demanded to know why new congressmen had to wait almost a month for their health care coverage to kick in.

The "Drop it or Stop it" mini-campaign against Harris, who favors repeal of the new health care law, argues that he should either drop his own government-provided health care or quit trying to deny coverage to others, according to the group's spokesman, Jeremy J. Funk.

"Call Congressman Harris and tell him to stop whining about his healthcare – and start fighting for our," declares a 30-second ad the group says it is running on talk radio in Baltimore and Salisbury for two days.

At the same time, the group is extending its anti-Harris effort to Facebook users in the First Congressional District, which covers the entire Eastern Shore and portions of Baltimore, Anne Arundel and Harford counties.

Full text of the radio spot:
Our new Congressman Andy Harris vowed to repeal the new health reform law during the campaign.

So what was the first thing Andy Harris did when he got to Washington?

Harris complained that he wasn’t getting HIS new government-provided health care fast enough.

Say what?

Call Congressman Harris and tell him to stop whining about HIS healthcare – and start fighting for OURS.

If he wants to deny Maryland families quality, affordable healthcare, tell him to start with his own.

Paid for by Americans United for Change.

Please give generously to the Andy Harris Campaign. He hasn't even taken his seat and the Borking has already begun.

ps - And if you ever get an opportunity to slam Donna Edwards (D, MD 4th), DO IT!


  1. And, with the networks and CNN behind them, it's so effective for the Left to start early. They DRIP DRIP DRIP and get people turned away, like they did to Palin...
    I warn the Republicans to NOT tell who candidates might be too early because the leftwing media with help from the White House and DNC will spring into action checking trash cans, checking backgrounds, any SLIGHTEST failing in anybody..wait for it.
    WOw, this is REALLY early in Maryland! I hope someone starts a backlash against it, pointing out the obvious.
    Get busy, Joe!!

  2. This is all coming from Donna Edwards and the kook-Progressive wing of the Democrat Party. She challenged an incumbant black Democrat candidate and WON her seat (MD 4) a few years back. The Progressives here in the People's Republic of Maryland are definitely the "Shadow Party". They run as Democrats and then govern as Socialist/Communists.
