Thursday, August 5, 2010

Palin Endorses Murphy for MD Governor

from the Baltimore Sun

Conservative darling and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy today, posting a note of support on her Facebook page. It is the first Palin endorsement in Maryland.

Murphy is running for the state GOP nomination as a more conservative alternative to Republican former Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who has most of the establishment GOP support in the state.

So far, Murphy has not shown up in polls or had much of an impact on the race, but in other states a nod from Palin has given outlying candidates momentum. On the stump Murphy says both Gov. Martin O'Malley and Ehrlich have spent too much state money and says he would cut corporate income taxes and reduce government spending.

Murphy’s campaign put out the following statement from Palin:

“I’m honored to endorse Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland. Brian is a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment commonsense conservative and a firm believer in the free market and the cause for energy independence. As a former energy industry executive and current small business owner, Brian has the private sector experience that is so lacking in government today. He knows how to incentivize industry to get our economy moving again. Together with his running mate for lieutenant governor, Mike Ryman, Brian will provide Maryland with principled and results oriented leadership.”

Murphy said in a statement that her endorsement is "an honor and a privilege."


Note: Is Hillary Clinton the "darling of the DNC"? Would any serious reporter ever characterize her as such? This article is just one more example of liberal journalist bias in major city newspaper rooms. It would not surprise me if a majority of the Baltimore Sun's reporters were former members of the Journo-List conspiracy.

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