Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Friday, March 31, 2023
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Time to Boot the DisInfo Karens!

Matt Taibbi, "People Can Win"
We've been trained to think that endless rule by tiny minorities of really horrible people is the natural order of things, but that turns out to be just another lie
Earlier today Susan Schmidt and I published an article about a series of changes at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a creepy sub-division of the Department of Homleand Security. It turns out that CISA, which just a week or so ago was busted for scrubbing embarrasing text from its website by the Foundation for Freedom Online, quietly eliminated its so-called “MDM” or “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation” subcommittee.
Just a year ago, the Department of Homeland Security was going all-in on the fight against “MDM.” The notion that America is fatally infected with “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation” was in fact the animating idea begind the asinine plan the Biden administration announced last April to institute a “Disinformation Governance Board,” which was to be headed by Nina Jankowicz, a self-styled Mary Poppins of digital rectitude:
America took one look at Jankowicz and at most a few fleeting moments considering the “Disinformation Governance Board” plan before concluding, correctly, that it was a beyond-loathsome expression of aristocratic arrogance that needed shutting down before the first Jankowicz presser. Characteristically, the press lied about the public reaction, claiming that the only displeasure was heard from the “GOP.” In fact, all sane people across the spectrum were instantly nauseated, their distress loud enough that the DHS hit “pause” on Jankowicz and the batty MinTruth plan after just three weeks.
Even that might not have been fast enough, as was discovered by my co-author Sue Schmidt, who’s formerly of the Washington Post but joined Racket this month for a special report a team of us are preparing on what fellow #TwitterFiles reporter Michael Shellenberger calls the “Censorship-Industrial Complex.” (More on that later). Looking through the minutes of CISA’s subcommittee meetings last year, Sue found that the DHS’s little team of self-appointed information guardians was deeply worried about the “rollout” of their war against MDM, worrying repeatedly about how to “socialize” or “pre-socialize” various parties to the idea of a federal truth squad, realizing that just presenting the actual plan to a sentient person without lots of sweeteners wouldn’t go well.
One subcommittee member, whose name in the spirit of our times is of course redacted, seemed to realize the concept was too hot to discuss in public. She “suggested removing mention of MDM” — this, from a member of the “MDM subcommittee”! — and “framing” the subcommitee’s efforts more in terms of “directing people to clear information about elections procedures.” Another member recommended CISA “point more to state officials and state laws to make the authoritative source of information less controversial. In other words: “Let’s make it sound like someone other than the hated us is running this thing!”
Even two years ago, nobody was paying attention to this world and the public, if it cared at all, was probably inclined to welcome more “election procedures” (as CISA would later call them), not fewer. So the DHS, sensibly one must conclude, dissolved its incorrectly named “Countering Foreign Influence Task Force” — the group spent most of 2020 zapping domestic election posts — renamed it the MDM subcommittee, and began meeting and posting about the need to build “national resistance” to “domestic threat actors.” As Sue just reported, these folks saw “MDM” everywhere here at home, insisting “CISA should consider MD across the information ecosystem,” which included talk radio, cable news, mainstream media, and “hyper-partisan media.”
The architects of this plan not only genuinely believed themselves above such temptations, but saw nothing wrong with asking for massive sums of money — Joe Biden’s first economic proposal sought $690 million for CISA — to captain an open-ended war on American badthink, as defined by [names redacted]. Here again, take note of Jankowicz’s lyrics:It’s like when Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from UkraineThis was a group of self-described experts in an utterly fictitious “anti-disinformation” discipline who were so sure it was okay for them to tell you whom not to vote for, one of them sang about it. This, despite the fact that of the ones whose names we know, like Jankowicz, many were open swallowers of the dumbest Russiagate hokum, like the Alfa-Server story.
Or when TikTok influencers said COVID can’t cause pain
They’re laundering disinfo and we really should take note
And not support their lies, with our wallet, voice or vote!
I spent a long time covering the 2008 Wall Street crash, which meant devoting large amounts of energy to some of the world’s most unredeeming people. These were swindlers who sold snake-oil mortgage products that put millions out of their homes and wiped out retirement funds of people who spent decades working as toll operators, firefighters, teachers. Such predators were awful, amoral people, but all the same, I occasionally found myself writing with something like admiration. These crooks were creators of truly ingenious schemes who did what they did out of lust, greed, jealousy, and other (at least identifiably human) forms of depravity.
These [name redacted] would-be censors are different. They have no sense of humor, no imagination, and exactly one distinguishing characteristic: they know what’s best for you. Anti-disinfo work suits them because they all have a Poppins streak that quietly gets off on binning your digital dirty bits (after the voyeuristic thrill of logging on to watch them in secret, with special credentials, which they rub with pleasure in evenings). They’re the vilest kind of snobs, and when they finally were forced to show their real selves to the public — and here I feel safe in thanking Elon Musk for making that possible, via the #TwitterFiles — the public rightfully recoiled from these arrogant power-worshipping mediocrities.
The Governance Board was already dead, and now the whole MDM mission is being wound down, which feels like a win. Perhaps they’re just publicly retreating from the concept for now, but at this point, I’ll take that. Moreover there are signs everywhere that people are losing their fear of departing from the orthodoxy such types would like to impose, and pushing for a return to normalcy, which for the first time in ages feels within reach.
There was a ridiculous scene at Stanford law school recently, in which a conservative judge was muffled by a gaggle of future lawyers who’d been led by an assistant Dean in a characteristically moronic shouting-down exercise. The current strain of Junior Anti-Sex League-type protesters who fill campuses from coast to coast now sure do love their “heckler’s veto…”
The Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez was brilliant in response. Instead of doing what the heads of organizations have been doing for years in such situations, instead of doing, frankly, what I did during my own cancelation episode — frantically over-apologizing to people who have no use for or interest in apologies — Martinez sternly called the students out as clowns, reminding them in a long, serious, punishing letter that if they ever become officers of the court, they will be held to a higher standard than “lay people,” swearing to conduct themselves “at all times with dignity, courtesy and integrity.”
Martinez went further, saying that on her watch, the school would not be doing the usual and committing itself to starter slates of political positions out of fear of reproach. “Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is not going to take the form of having the school administration announce institutional positions on a wide range of current social and political issues,” she wrote. The age of just giving in to mobs instead of insisting on our right to have different opinions and beliefs seems to be receding. It is beginning to dawn on sane, tolerant people everywhere that there are more of us than there are of them, and this still matters in a democracy.
There’s a reason why these people are so focused on technocratic solutions, from magic AI schemes to control information to deploying packs of Boston Dynamics robot-dogs, who’ll patrol suburban neighborhoods and peer in windows for visual confirmation of Alexa-overheard transgressions. General Mark Milley just said on a podcast that armies may be fully robotic in 15 years, arousing general neoliberal giddiness (Milley quoted Dylan). These people need tech, because you know what they don’t have? Friends. Organic support. Or, ways to win them, like art, music, literature, or comedy.
I have a theory about what happened to America in this regard. After 9/11, people were scared, and they fell for a succession of propaganda campaigns convincing them that the hole in Fortress America, the chink in our national armor, was our system of democratic rights.
The “MDM subcommittee” members think the same way: there’s a section in one of last year’s meetings in which a former Secretary of Washington State notes that the bad countries, “such as Russia, use the First Amendment effectively.” Moreover, in general, “our adversaries… use our Constitution effectively.” They’ve been telling us this stuff ever since the Towers came down. We were told our enemies will use even our open system of justice against us, so forget the admirable streak of America never having had an in-camera criminal trial. Let’s clear the court even for deportation hearings of suspected terrorists, they said. Let’s not even tell the public the names of the deported!
“The era that dawned on September 11th, and the war against terrorism that has pervaded the sinews of our national life since that day, are reflected in thousands of ways” the Third Circuit Court wrote in 2002, adding: “Since the primary national policy must be self-preservation, it seems elementary that, to the extent open deportation hearings might impair national security, that security is implicated.”
It was the same with torture, rendition, watch lists, drones, whatever. To respond to terrorism, we were told, we needed to be more “nimble” than old-school democracy allowed. We couldn’t wait for congress to declare wars, or build probable cause, or afford the right to face one’s accusers. The stakes were too high for such luxuries. Even giving “enemy combatants” Geneva convention rights would confer legitimacy to the opposition it didn’t deserve, and we couldn’t afford to give that legitimacy. Our grip on safety was that tenunous.
No: the new era of a West infected with a borderless evil returned from the 8th century needed a bureaucracy of super-empowered minders, who’d do torturing if it needed doing, and quietly make lists of who gets to fly or open a bank account. Most of all, these minders would make those terrible decisions about who gets to live and die in a drone-patrolled world. The Imitation Game from 2014, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and telling the awful tale of Alan Turing’s quest to crack the Enigma code, was a great movie, but perhaps also the ultimate portrait of the Obama-era political class, whose members all saw themselves as misunderstood geniuses quietly saving civilization through endless mathematical murder, committed from afar, by remote control, without fanfare or appreciation.
America balked some at George W. Bush as “The Decider,” but was more than happy to let the Community Organizer head up those secret decisions. With the genial and patient-sounding Obama in office, the deciders assumed a new brand of business-casual cruelty. I vividly remember going to a ballgame with a longtime Justice source in those years, someone I liked, who casually told me in between bites of a hot dog that of course we should just drone Julian Assange, because he was a “terrorist,” and the “reality is, you just have to kill them.”
Each year, more and more of government became classified, and we had less and less access to information about where tax dollars were being spent, or what was going on at places like the Federal Reserve. We let it happen, abandoning the democratic responsibility to govern ourselves, in the process willing the world’s smuggest aristocracy into existence. It wasn’t the worst time — a lot of good TV was made in those years — but while we were napping, these people were turning America into a secret administrative state committed to endless war, mass surveillance, social credit scoring, censorship, and other horrors, a system that’s only just now beginning to show itself.
The managerial state was held in place for over a decade by a kind of magic spell, which works thanks to the public’s faith in the competence of our minders. That spell held by default for an extra four years while Trump was in office, but it’s been broken now, in part thanks to refuseniks like Musk (who caused all kinds of havoc by opting out of an airtight information-control cartel), but mainly because we’ve now had enough opportunities to examine up close the loathsome nanny-staters to whom we surrendered all those years ago. Whatever hold these people had on us, and it was real — I spent years worrying about regaining the favor of people who were denouncing me as a Russian asset even as they demanded my vote — it’s gone now, and we can start thinking about moving on to something better.
This is what I choose to think, this weekend evening. We don’t have to concede to a future of always being at war somewhere abroad, and with each other at home. We don’t have to put up with a government that doesn’t tell us anything. Most of all, we can go back to enjoying life, on our own terms, without stressing over an endless succession of panics invented by politically insecure losers. We can do so much better, and we will, because this place is ours to run, a fact the singing censors should never have let us remember.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Monday, March 20, 2023
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Ithaka by C.P. Cavafy
As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon—don’t be afraid of them:
you’ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.
Hope your road is a long one.
May there be many summer mornings when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind—
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to learn and go on learning from their scholars.
Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you’re destined for.
But don’t hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you’re old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.
Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.
And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.
John Galt is Coming!

President Trump has stated that he will be arrested on Tuesday and we should all take to the streets.
Don't do it!
Stay home, and let the lawyers handle it.
This is a set-up, just like January 6. Don't fall for it.
Don't go anywhere near a federal building, don't stand with groups of people you don't know, and don't send threatening emails.
Stay home, and let the lawyers deal with it. President Trump has good lawyers, he has great lawyers...he even has had Alan Dershowitz as a lawyer.
Trials are meant to be won, by rich people. President Trump is rich. Let him fight his battle. He has proven more than capable.
It's okay to be angry about things. And we are supposed to have the right to protest peacefully. However, they will sabotage that right. They will inject fake bad actors for the express purpose of charging you with a crime.
This will be an attempted Charlottesville and January 6 mass-arrest false flag operation.
Sometimes the best response is no response at all.
If we must respond, then let it be this: call in sick to work, go home, turn off the TV and internet, and pray with your family. Don't order anything, don't buy anything, don't watch anything. Turn off all your streaming services.
If half the country does absolutely nothing for a week, they will have to notice and deal with the fallout — especially if the people calling in sick are the truckers, the miners, the oil rig roughnecks, the firemen, and the police. You know, the conservatives!
If it's not possible for you to take a sick week, then go slow at work. Even that action can have an effect.
But putting yourself in jeopardy isn't going to help anyone. Your government has gone totalitarian. Be mindful of that as events unfold. Because President Trump is not in a position to help the January 6 political prisoners, and he won't be able to help you.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
PATRIOT ALERT!: Whatever it Takes... a Lesson in Handling Mid-level Violence Provocations.
"Don't fall into the RE-action trap Folks... take ACTION Now"
Contact your Representatives and Let EVERYONE know THIS is a deliberate provocation by Corrupt NY State Manhattan District Officials to induce the Federal National Security State to prevent DJT from becoming President in 2024. There will be no cloak of Gyges thrown over Alvin Bragg's CORRUPT NY State and George Soros' Bought and Paid for Prosecutors who have manufactured this outrageous criminal charge.
Friday, March 17, 2023
SVB, Are we Paying ANOTHER Hidden a Price for Green Wokery?

Monica Showalter, "SVB loaned millions to useless startups making greenie things no one wanted to buy --WSJ's Strassel"
Is there anything more ... Soviet ... than a bank that lends money to companies making things no one wants to buy?
That's the missing puzzle piece we needed on why Silicon Valley Bank went belly up, and Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has found it, persuasively arguing that yes, the failure of the bank was indeed premised on ESG, which descended into wokester lending priorities, creating the abnormal conditions that left the bank ripe for a meltdown.
In a non-firewalled piece featured at the top of Real Clear Politics: she writes:“We serve those creating positive environmental change,” SVB’s website brags, noting that the bank worked with some 1,550 companies in the “climate technology and sustainability sector.”So they loaned and loaned, to companies that couldn't turn a profit and knew they couldn't, so they stacked up the big cash at the bank where they were sure it would be "safe." The portfolios themselves were the trigger switch to the bank runs, when investors realized that the long-term assets of the bank (parked in Treasury bonds) couldn't cover the short-term deposits of the startup customers, so they all bailed at once.
Most of these companies weren’t filling some vital market need. Rather, as the Journal reported, SVB was beloved for its willingness to offer “banking services to startups that often weren’t profitable, in some cases didn’t have a product, and would otherwise have a hard time getting a line of credit or a loan from a larger bank.” One tech entrepreneur provided law.com a more scathing description of SVB’s products: “They’re basically subprime business loans. You’re talking about companies that have no credit profile, they’re burning cash and are unlikely to raise the same type of capital because of interest rates. . . . It was basically social credit.”
What inspires a bank to disregard risk and shower money on products or services that nobody is clamoring to buy? One answer is easy money and misguided regulation, which washed dollars into the economy even as it pushed banks like SVB to load up on sovereign debt, lulled by a Federal Reserve-fed belief that interest rates would stay near zero forever. The other? Washington handouts, via President Biden’s effort to engineer a climate industry that otherwise wouldn’t exist.
They were greenie characters, in other words, taking the SVB loans in order to fulfill the Joe Biden dream of a green economy, and avail themselves of all that stimulus cash that Biden had passed in Congress to convert American industries green and "sustainable."
Well, they weren't sustainable, because the Fed's rate hikes to beat back inflation worked against the whole rosy scenario.
In effect, the bank lent to companies that couldn't sustain themselves without Joe Biden's centrally directed green economy to prop them up. When that created inflation based on all the money printed for it, the Fed stopped the green show and the party was over. Had the bank loaned only to companies that could stand up for themselves, the interest rate problem the bank had (and should have managed risk for) would not be an issue, and the bank run probably would have never happened.
Prior to this news about the SVB wokester lending portfolio, I could only see the miasma of wokesterliness surrounding the bank, the smoke surrounding it, but not the actual fire.
We know they donated a lot of campaign cash to Democrats, they made woke statements on their bank website, they failed to manage their risk profile (not even hiring a risk manager in through most of 2022), and they had no signficant investment banking experience in their bank's leadership. Their Democrat ties seemingly did make the regulators look the other way, and their ties to politicians ensured their prompt bailout when the run happened.
But the woke lending put them in the bind and created the trigger. That squares the entire circle now -- woke lending drove this bank to bust.
And that's on Joe Biden for creating the conditions that led to this situation -- from easy money, allocated for greenie projects in huge spending juggernauts, and easy money printed out to "pay for" all that green wokery, prompting rate hikes to beat back the inflation that followed. That's Biden on both ends of the problem, and opportunistic wokesters taking advantage of the incentives he laid out for them.
Now it's all come down, and wokery is clear as day the big reason.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Welcome to the New Age of Lawless Government
Joe Hoft, “The Government Should Be Prosecuting Its Own”
Judge Andrew Napolitano issued a press release this morning. The Gateway Pundit posted his statement below in its entirety.
Judge Napolitano:What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws?
Five members of the Proud Boys are currently on trial for sedition in federal court in Washington, D.C. Sedition is a conspiracy to overthrow the federal government by the use of force. This case stems from the events of Jan. 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol. During the trial, an FBI agent inadvertently admitted that she was asked to doctor and to destroy evidence, and that her colleagues have spied on defense lawyers in the case.
The Department of Justice has pursued the defendants in Jan. 6-related matters with much zeal. The current Proud Boys trial, however, exceeds anything that has recently been revealed.
Here is the backstory.
A conspiracy is an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime that they are able to commit in which at least one of those who embraced the agreement took at least one step in furtherance of it.
Prosecutors love conspiracy cases because they are easy to prove. Yet, every modern definition of crime includes an element of harm. Since conspiracy is essentially a thought crime, the courts have dispensed with the element of harm. Stated differently, the government needs only prove the existence of the agreement and the single step in furtherance of its consummation. The government need not prove harm.
There is never harm caused in conspiracy cases, as the so-called conspiracy does not succeed. If it did succeed, the government would charge the actual committed crime. Conspiracy is not the crime of attempt. Attempt requires that the defendants come just one material step short of completion. Attempt often does cause harm, as in an attempted murder in which the victim is shot by the defendant but survives.
Can a conspiracy exist that is impossible to succeed?
I have argued, and in my years as a judge in New Jersey I have ruled, that the answer to this is: No. If the conspirators concoct a plan that cannot succeed, then by definition there is not only no harm, but the prosecution is exclusively for the employment of forbidden mental processes.
Yet, the right to think as you wish is a natural right and thus is immune from governmental reach. The natural rights of persons, which the Ninth Amendment states government shall not deny or disparage, means that there is no moral or legal basis for government condemnation of ideas or thoughts. This includes, of course, all thoughts, even — especially — those that are negative about the government.
The attorneys for the Proud Boys lost this argument, as most courts simply defer to the government — even when it prosecutes thoughts, even when it violates the natural law, even when the defendants have not harmed a hair on anyone’s head. And there are no crimes prosecuted more aggressively than those in which the government portrays itself as the victim.
Yet in the current case, the government should be prosecuting its own.
Late last week, an FBI agent admitted under cross-examination that she was asked to alter evidence so as to remove the name of another FBI agent as having been present during a critical government meeting between agents and a confidential source. Obviously, materially altering government records, particularly those likely to be evidence in a criminal case, is a crime.
The same agent also revealed that she was asked to destroy 338 items of evidence — we don’t know if she did so — by her FBI superiors. As if this were not enough, the same agent revealed that the FBI has been surveilling the communications between one of the Proud Boy defendants and his legal team. Since the latter was done without a search warrant, it, too, is a federal crime.
What’s going on here?
What we see here is not only the government breaking its own laws, but the manifestation of a culture in federal law enforcement that it needn’t abide by the Constitution or federal laws or even societal norms when it engages in prosecutions or surveillance for national security purposes.
This attitude — law enforcement is free to break the laws it enforces in order to preserve national security — goes back to the weeks after 9/11 when then-President George W. Bush began his systematic shredding of the Constitution by unleashing federal agencies to spy on all Americans without warrants and the CIA to torture foreign persons in order to gain information about so-called threats to the nation.
Since no one in the federal government after 9/11 has been prosecuted for spying on any of the 330 million Americans — that’s all of us — whose phone calls and digital communications are systematically recorded, nor prosecuted for torture, is it any wonder that a generation of federal agents has come of age lying, cheating, stealing and getting away with it?
On the torture front, I know of only one prosecution: that of a former CIA agent who revealed torture and named those who participated in it. And from time to time, a rogue FBI agent has been prosecuted for crimes in which the agent unlawfully sought to enrich himself.
But the feds simply see no wrong in their own obstruction of justice. They don’t prosecute their own for doing their jobs in contravention of the oaths they have sworn and in violation of the Constitution and federal criminal law they are morally and legally bound to uphold.
What happens when the government breaks its own laws and the law breakers go unpunished? It becomes a precedent and thus a basis for others in government to do the same. That precedent tramples human liberty and makes those in government who do this into tyrants. How do these law-breakers decide whose rights to trample and whose to protect?
Which is more harmful to personal liberty — thinking and wishing the government ill, or agreeing to uphold the Constitution and then assaulting it?
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Saturday, March 11, 2023
China Re-Unites the Ummah!
The days of Uni-Polar American Global Hegemony are over. It's a Multi-Polar world now, and it's time that America's Foreign Policy Makers caught up!
America's current Ukraine Policy Reflects the influence of Cold War Generals, Under Compartmentalized Intelligence Agencies, and Surplus Salaried Corporate Economic Globalists trying to Retain their ever Weaker, Slipping, and Desperate Grips on Power. Theirs is a "Hitler in the Bunker Mentality" of Censorship and Denial. It's Time for New Blood!
The TaxPayer Bailouts of the Billionaires Begins... AGAIN!
Have No Fear America, Helicopter Cash Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is closely monitoring the situation...@@
How many times will American taxpayers have to bail out irresponsible neo-liberal globalists before we finally tell them to "suck it up" and" cover their own damn losses"? I say, "No more"! Let the chips fall where they fall. But that's not what's going to happen. Inflation? You ain't seen NOTHIN' yet!
Friday, March 10, 2023
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Fauci for Prison...?!
Normal Science Re-Ascendant:
The Kuhn Conundrum... the limits of "peer reviewed TRUTHs"
Anthony Fauci was trying to FORCE a paradigm shift to mRNA vaccines from the old "tried and true" method for vaccine development. I'm sure that he saw it as a NOBLE effort that justified the creation of a NOBLE LIE because it significantly shortened the vaccine development and trial timeline. Unfortunately, it circumvented all the FDA and CDC's regulatory safeguards.... safeguards developed to prevent just such a false and too rapid a paradigm shift. But as with most politicians, Fauci understood (from his long AIDS experience) that he should "Never let a crisis go to waste", and so he went forward with his deception. It didn't hurt that he was financially invested in the new technology. The damage to human health from Fauci's gambit has yet to be revealed and accurately measured.
If Covid-19 was an actual Bio-Terror attack by China upon the world, America's prepared response was a complete and utter FAILURE from which we have gathered no lessons learned. "Pooling the silos" between Biodefense and Public Health Administration, as Fauci recomended in the video, "weaponized" the medical response and enabled him to prematurely shift the vaccine development paradigm before it was established from painful experience to be safe to do so. Perhaps it's time to let Dr. Fauci finally answer to the "culture of responsibility" he claims is so necessary amongst responsible scientists.
Monday, March 6, 2023
Russell Brand Calls Out the Dervy-Snarky Left....
Russell Brand Calls Out MSNBC's Hypocrisy on COVID
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 4, 2023
"Do you want an example? The ludicrous, outrageous criticisms of Joe Rogan around Ivermectin deliberately referring to it as a horse medicine when they know it's an effective medicine!"@rustyrockets @billmaher @joerogan pic.twitter.com/5J0e0hkpSh
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Deep State OFFICIALLY Hijacked the Internet and Free Speech/ 1st Amendment on March 2, 2023
Sundance, "People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State, Yet No One Seems Bothered"
The “National Cybersecurity Strategy” aligns with, supports, and works in concert with a total U.S. surveillance system, where definitions of information are then applied to “cybersecurity” and communication vectors. This policy is both a surveillance system and an information filtration prism where the government will decide what is information, disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, then act upon it.
In part, this appears to be a response to the revelations around government influence of social media, the Twitter Files. Now we see the formalization of the intent. The government will be the arbiter of truth and cyber security, not the communication platforms or private companies. This announcement puts the government in control.
All of the control systems previously assembled under the guise of the Dept of Homeland Security now become part of the online, digital national security apparatus. I simply cannot emphasis enough how dangerous this is, and the unspoken motive behind it; however, to the latter, you are part of a small select group who are capable of understanding what is in this announcement without me spelling it out.
Remember, we have already lost the judicial branch to the interests of the national security state. All judicial determinations are now in deference to what is called broadly “national security,” and the only arbiter of what qualifies to be labeled as a national security interest is the same institutional system who hides the corruption and surveillance behind the label they apply.
We cannot fight our way through the complexity of what is being assembled, until the American People approach the big questions from the same baseline of understanding. What is the root cause that created the system? From there, this announcement takes on a more clarifying context – where we realize this is the formalization of the previously hidden process.
Barack Obama and Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; the institutions were already weaponized by the Patriot Act. What Obama and Holder did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons of government only targeted one side of the political continuum.
This point is where many people understandably get confused.
Elevator Speech:(1) The Patriot Act turned the intel surveillance radar from foreign searches for terrorists to domestic searches for terrorists.(2) Obama/Biden then redefined what is a “terrorist” to include their political opposition.***
WHITEHOUSE FACT SHEET: "Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Cybersecurity"
Read the full strategy here
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released the National Cybersecurity Strategy to secure the full benefits of a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans. In this decisive decade, the United States will reimagine cyberspace as a tool to achieve our goals in a way that reflects our values: economic security and prosperity; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; trust in our democracy and democratic institutions; and an equitable and diverse society. To realize this vision, we must make fundamental shifts in how the United States allocates roles, responsibilities, and resources in cyberspace.1. We must rebalance the responsibility to defend cyberspace by shifting the burden for cybersecurity away from individuals, small businesses, and local governments, and onto the organizations that are most capable and best-positioned to reduce risks for all of us.The Strategy recognizes that government must use all tools of national power in a coordinated manner to protect our national security, public safety, and economic prosperity.
2. We must realign incentives to favor long-term investments by striking a careful balance between defending ourselves against urgent threats today and simultaneously strategically planning for and investing in a resilient future.
Our rapidly evolving world demands a more intentional, more coordinated, and more well-resourced approach to cyber defense. We face a complex threat environment, with state and non-state actors developing and executing novel campaigns to threaten our interests. At the same time, next-generation technologies are reaching maturity at an accelerating pace, creating new pathways for innovation while increasing digital interdependencies.
This Strategy sets out a path to address these threats and secure the promise of our digital future. Its implementation will protect our investments in rebuilding America’s infrastructure, developing our clean energy sector, and re-shoring America’s technology and manufacturing base. Together with our allies and partners, the United States will make our digital ecosystem:Defensible, where cyber defense is overwhelmingly easier, cheaper, and more effective;Resilient, where cyber incidents and errors have little widespread or lasting impact; and,Values-aligned, where our most cherished values shape—and are in turn reinforced by— our digital world.The Administration has already taken steps to secure cyberspace and our digital ecosystem, including the National Security Strategy, Executive Order 14028 (Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity), National Security Memorandum 5 (Improving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Control Systems), M-22-09 (Moving the U.S. Government Toward Zero-Trust Cybersecurity Principles), and National Security Memorandum 10 (Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems). Expanding on these efforts, the Strategy recognizes that cyberspace does not exist for its own end but as a tool to pursue our highest aspirations.
This Strategy seeks to build and enhance collaboration around five pillars:
1. Defend Critical Infrastructure – We will give the American people confidence in the availability and resilience of our critical infrastructure and the essential services it provides, including by:Expanding the use of minimum cybersecurity requirements in critical sectors to ensure national security and public safety and harmonizing regulations to reduce the burden of compliance;
Enabling public-private collaboration at the speed and scale necessary to defend critical infrastructure and essential services; and,
Defending and modernizing Federal networks and updating Federal incident response policy2. Disrupt and Dismantle Threat Actors – Using all instruments of national power, we will make malicious cyber actors incapable of threatening the national security or public safety of the United States, including by:Strategically employing all tools of national power to disrupt adversaries;
Engaging the private sector in disruption activities through scalable mechanisms; and,
Addressing the ransomware threat through a comprehensive Federal approach and in lockstep with our international partners.3. Shape Market Forces to Drive Security and Resilience – We will place responsibility on those within our digital ecosystem that are best positioned to reduce risk and shift the consequences of poor cybersecurity away from the most vulnerable in order to make our digital ecosystem more trustworthy, including by:Promoting privacy and the security of personal data;Shifting liability for software products and services to promote secure development practices; and,Ensuring that Federal grant programs promote investments in new infrastructure that are secure and resilient.4. Invest in a Resilient Future – Through strategic investments and coordinated, collaborative action, the United States will continue to lead the world in the innovation of secure and resilient next-generation technologies and infrastructure, including by:Reducing systemic technical vulnerabilities in the foundation of the Internet and across the digital ecosystem while making it more resilient against transnational digital repression;
Prioritizing cybersecurity R&D for next-generation technologies such as postquantum encryption, digital identity solutions, and clean energy infrastructure; and,Developing a diverse and robust national cyber workforce5. Forge International Partnerships to Pursue Shared Goals – The United States seeks a world where responsible state behavior in cyberspace is expected and reinforced and where irresponsible behavior is isolating and costly, including by:Leveraging international coalitions and partnerships among like-minded nations to counter threats to our digital ecosystem through joint preparedness, response, and cost imposition;Increasing the capacity of our partners to defend themselves against cyber threats, both in peacetime and in crisis; and,'
Working with our allies and partners to make secure, reliable, and trustworthy global supply chains for information and communications technology and operational technology products and services.Coordinated by the Office of the National Cyber Director, the Administration’s implementation of this Strategy is already underway.###
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