Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Sunday, August 29, 2021
Saturday, August 28, 2021
On Deep State Tyranny
"The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building."-Benito Mussolini
"Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny withoput a tyrant."- Hannah Arendt
"Lying for the sake of necessity appears as something sublime; and a man who does not submit to the machinery, though submission may mean his death, is regarded as a sinner against some kind of divine order."
- Hannah Arendt
Your Identity and Autonomy is Given to you by your Capitalist Master... much as your " Authentic Identity" is a Pitiful Attempt by your Ego to Pretend at Self-Agency.
There is No Free Will in a Society where Everyone is "by necessity" self-assigned their particular role to perform.
"We think that we have the freedom to exercise out will only by forgetting that power is exercised not simply by delimiting our freedom, but by confining our will to power's own operation and perpetuation. The more we exercise our free will, the more power proliferates."
Now all you Kafkaesque cockroaches, go get your vaccination, because it's not about "truth"... it's about "necessity."!
Friday, August 27, 2021
Don't be Fooled, Insist Upon the Pfizer "Comirnaty" Covid Vaccine
Steve McCann, "Did the FDA Pull a Bait-and-Switch on the American People?"
On August 23rd all the mainstream or agitprop media outlets were trumpeting the news that the FDA had granted permanent approval for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The press breathlessly reported that vaccine mandates were now legal for healthcare workers, employees in private industry, college students and government employees at all levels including teachers and school staff.
Almost immediately Joe Biden shuffled his way to the podium and read off his teleprompter that all businesses should immediately institute vaccine mandates. The Pentagon announced that vaccinations would be mandatory for all active service members. Bill de Blasio immediately instituted a vaccine mandate for all New York city teachers and staff.
But what the agitprop media and the Biden White House failed to report is that there are two critical issues as to whether the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine (which is what has been and continues to be administered) can be mandated and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries, a provision that accompanies permanent approval of a vaccine or drug.
What the FDA approved and licensed is Pfizer’s Comirnaty Covid vaccine not the current Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine in use under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The FDA has acknowledged that Pfizer has insufficient stocks of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available but there is significant amount of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine available under the EUA still on hand.
Further, the FDA decreed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine should remain unlicensed and under the EUA but can be used interchangeably with the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine. More importantly, the FDA states that the licensed Comirnaty vaccine and the existing Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine are “legally distinct” but proclaims that their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.” [emphases added]
Per the Children’s Health Defense Fund:There is a huge real-world difference between products approved under EUA compared with those the FDA has fully licensed.EUA products are experimental under U.S. law. Both the Nuremburg Code and federal regulations provide that no one can force a human being to participate in this experiment. Under 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A), “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies,” it is unlawful to deny someone a job or an education because they refuse to be an experimental subject. Instead, potential recipients have an absolute right to refuse EUA vaccines.
U.S. laws, however, permit employers and schools to require students and workers to take licensed vaccines.
EUA-approved Covid vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.
At least for now, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no such liability shield. A vial of the branded product that says “Comirnaty” on the label is subject to the same product liability laws as any another product. People injured by the vaccine could potentially sue for damages. Based on what has been reported over the past six months regarding Covid vaccine side effects, the potential jury awards could be astronomical.
Thus, it is highly unlikely that Pfizer will allow any Americans to take the Comirnaty labeled vaccine until it can coerce Congress or the Biden Administration to somehow arrange immunity for the product.
Meanwhile, Pfizer has been given the greenlight by the FDA to continue administering the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine under the EUA. And given the fact that they have a huge inventory on hand, they will continue to do so in any vaccine mandates.
The obvious and inevitable question is: did the FDA cynically pull a bait-and-switch on the American people by announcing permanent approval of a Pfizer Covid vaccine, which everyone would assume to be for the vaccine currently in universal use, in order to abet the Biden Administration in imposing illegal vaccine mandates?
Or, more cynically, did the FDA also conspire with Pfizer to allow them to unload their current massive inventory of a vaccine that science and the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) have exposed as unreasonably dangerous as physicians, families and injured vaccine recipients have reported more than 600,000 vaccine injuries. And which has also been rendered obsolete by the Delta variant, requiring a “booster” shot which has yet to be tested or approved by the FDA.
Since the beginning of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic, the entirety of the federal medical bureaucracy has been woefully inconsistent in their pronouncements, inevitably wrong in their prescribed actions, subservient to political pressure from Democrat party politicians and far too cozy with pharmaceutical companies as they focused solely on vaccines and not therapeutics and prophylactics.
But on the surface, these dubious actions by the FDA go far beyond incompetence. The time has come for some genuine transparency and honesty from the FDA on how this Pfizer vaccine approval came about and why in such an inordinately short period of time for a new and experimental vaccine with no long-term trials. This agency’s credibility is at stake.
Meanwhile, Americans should decide for themselves about being vaccinated. But if someone is subject to a vaccine mandate, they should request to see if the vaccine they are about to receive is labeled the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine as that is the only one licensed. If any other, that person has the legal right to refuse.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
How Globalists Subvert National, and yes, American Worker Interests
Donald Trump...America's Salvador Allende...without all the centralized deeps state government control aspirations
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Birth of the American Gulag
David Zukerman, "January 6 political prisoners deserve much more outrage than they're getting"
How long would it have taken rabid, radical leftists to respond if the Trump Department of Justice had held Antifa defendants in jail for seven months without trial? Half a millisecond?
Hundreds, yes hundreds of Trump-supporters at the Capitol have been held for seven months without trial. Other than a timid protest by a few conservative House Republicans, this writer is unaware of demands that these political detainees — how otherwise explain their detention by Biden's attorney general Garland (and thank the Almighty he was not put on the Supreme Court) — be given a fair and speedy trial?
Following a story in The Washington Post that a federal judge has constitutional concerns about one case involving a few of the detainees, The New York Times recognized, in its August 11 print edition, that the constitutional right of the detainees to a speedy trial is going by the boards, as trials are supposed to begin within 70 days of indictment.
Here it is more than seven months after January 6, 2021, the date of the Capitol incursion.
Isn't this an occasion for the filing of habeas corpus writs? What is going on here — political justice of the sort that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan imposed on Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, maintaining a prosecution that the government sought to be dismissed? And by the way, the Times article on the absence of a speedy trial for the "Jan. 6" detainees ended with the writer, Alan Feuer, quoting political judge Sullivan:"[Judge Sullivan] suggested that the fault [for the delay in bringing the cases to trial] lay not [with the government] but in the number of rioters who breached the Capitol.Consider the clear implication of Judge Sullivan's gratuitous comment: a judge may disregard "due process of law" and "equal protection of the laws" (see the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution) "if he considers the charges an unacceptable affront to his political mindset." Judge Sullivan would strip the blindfold from the statue of Justice and tilt her scales way over to the left.
"'The problem,' he said, 'started on Jan[uary] 6 itself.'" (This writer doubts that the judge said "Jan. 6.")
Where is the attorney to cite this from the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution? "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury[.]" Detention for seven months without trial seems a prima facie violation of the Sixth Amendment.
Further, Article I, Section 9, Clause 2 of the Constitution states: "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public safety may require it." Could it be that defense counsel fear that applications for a writ of habeas corpus would be denied by courts regarding the January 6 defendants as rebels? Or could it be that defense counsel fear retribution from the DOJ or the federal judges if they protest the repressive treatment of their clients too zealously?
The rabid, radical leftists made it a practice to accuse President Trump of undermining our democratic institutions and imposing authoritarian rule on the country. That was a false claim. But behold the treatment given citizens who are not even charged with insurrection or sedition. The main charges seem to be obstruction of an official proceeding, which, as the Post article reports, may be an unconstitutional charge — and, get this, trespass. Where else but under a totalitarian-minded regime would more than 500 detainees be held seven months and counting for trespass? Good heavens, why hasn't the government detained for months on end the Antiifa protesters in Lafayette Square, June 1, 2020, who vandalized and set on fire St. John's Church?
The Biden administration is trashing due process and equal protection of the laws — and not a word of outrage at this trashing of the Constitution is heard. James Madison must be deeply dismayed that the American spirit of liberty he extolled in Federalist No. 57 is fading away. ACLU, Alan Dershsowitz, Jonathan Turley, please copy.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Understanding the Problems of Caritas and Its' Alternatives
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity (caritas), I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away....And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
1 Corinthians
Chapter 1: Fidel Castro’s Revenge 21:08
Chapter 2: Getting to Know the FĂĽhrer 21:08
Chapter 3: The Queen of Cuba 1:16:41
Chapter 4: The Holy Fool 2:12:58
Chapter 5: Case Study "The Boy in the Shower" 2:41:18
Chapter 6: The "Friends" Fallacy 3:39:04
Chapter 7: A Short Explanation of the Amanda Knox Case 4:13:24
Chapter 8: Case Study "The Fraternity Party" 4:43:50
Chapter 9: KSM "What Happens When the Stranger's a Terrorist" 5:49:40
Chapter 10: Silvia Plath 6:31:38
Chapter 11: Case Study "The Kansas City Experiments" "7:19:15
Chapter 12: Sandra Bland 7:45:26
Malcolm Gladwell is the author of “Talking to strangers”. It is considered to be one of the best books of 2019. He is also author to many other best-selling books like Outliers and Blink. All the key points of Talking To Strangers are summarized in this article.
It started with the story of a girl, driving on the highway on a sunny afternoon, she was pulled over and arrested on a mere traffic violation and that arrest led to a horrifying incident in the shape of her death. Malcolm Gladwell has highlighted, how wrong we are in dealing with strangers. He gave us the reasons which make strangers difficult to understand, these reasons are Truth Default Theory, Myth of Transparency, and Coupling.
1- Truth Default Theory (TDT) [aka- Caritas]
The author has explained the theory of Truth default, which states that like the default settings of the electronic gadgets human beings also have a default assumption that people we are dealing with are honest. According to an experiment on an average 54 % of people were successful in detecting lies which is terrible as these people included Judges, Police officers, and therapists. As per the author, we only stop believing if we have evidence that people are lying.
Here author mentioned the example of the queen of Cuba, who was working for a long time in American intelligence services as a Cuban spy until she was caught. Why she went so far as a spy? Because truth default theory made everyone believe that she was honest and no red flag was raised on her. While the author gives an argument that as the majority of people are on default truth, some people are holly fools as well. They have a different perspective of seeing a situation due to which these people can catch a spy like a queen of Cuba. So the presence of both truth default and holly fool type people are necessary to maintain the balance of life, otherwise, the misbalance will cause anarchy.
2- Myth of Transparency
This is the second reason as per Malcolm Gladwell, which addresses our mistakes in dealing with strangers. The myth of transparency has shadowed our lives so much that we expect everyone to express the same impression on their faces as per their feelings. In real life, it is not necessary that someone shocked inside is shocked outside as well. The mismatch between inside and outside lets us do a mistake. The author has explained this concept with many real-life examples.
One of the example in this book is of Neville Chamberlin and Adolf Hitler. Neville Chamberlin was the Prime minister of the United Kingdom, he wanted to avoid the World War 2 and after meeting with Hitler a couple of times he thought he succeeded in his goal. But Adolf Hitler was a mismatch, he was friendly outside and bellicose inside. This myth of transparency made Chamberlin unable to read the mind of Adolf Hitler. So we should accept that if a person seems to be happy, it doesn’t mean he/she is happy inside.
3- Coupling
The author has also mentioned the concept of Coupling in his book which means that two things are interlinked with each other. Similarly, the behaviour of human beings is linked to some conditions and circumstances. In simple words, your environment affects your actions. Malcolm Gladwell explained the concept of coupling with the example of the famous poet Sylvia Plath. She took her life with town gas which was enriched with carbon monoxide at that time. At that time the suicide rate was quite high because life taking gas was effortlessly available in every house. When the United Kingdom replaced the town gas with natural gas, the suicide rate dropped exponentially. This shows the coupling of suicide with life taking gas. So to understand strangers you should keep this point in mind, which will help you to better apprehend their situation.
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Saturday, August 7, 2021
The Deep State's Flawed Covid Strategy
Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro. "Biden team’s misguided and deadly COVID-19 vaccine strategy: Vaccination 'arms race' could prove dangerous to the American public"
The Biden administration’s strategy to universally vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic is bad science and badly needs a reboot.
This strategy will likely prolong the most dangerous phase of the worst pandemic since 1918 and almost assuredly cause more harm than good – even as it undermines faith in the entire public health system.
Four flawed assumptions drive the Biden strategy. The first is that universal vaccination can eradicate the virus and secure economic recovery by achieving herd immunity throughout the country (and the world). However, the virus is now so deeply embedded in the world population that, unlike polio and smallpox, eradication is unachievable. SARS-CoV-2 and its myriad mutations will likely continually circulate, much like the common cold and influenza.
The second assumption is that the vaccines are (near) perfectly effective. However, our currently available vaccines are quite “leaky.” While good at preventing severe disease and death, they only reduce, not eliminate, the risk of infection, replication, and transmission. As a slide deck from the Centers for Disease Control has revealed, even 100% acceptance of the current leaky vaccines combined with strict mask compliance will not stop the highly contagious Delta variant from spreading.
The third assumption is that the vaccines are safe. Yet scientists, physicians, and public health officials now recognize risks that are rare but by no means trivial. Known side effects include serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s Palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, and anaphylaxis.
Unknown side effects which virologists fear may emerge include existential reproductive risks, additional autoimmune conditions, and various forms of disease enhancement, i.e., the vaccines can make people more vulnerable to reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 or reactivation of latent viral infections and associated diseases such as shingles. With good reason, the FDA has yet to approve the vaccines now administered under Emergency Use Authorization.
The failure of the fourth “durability” assumption is the most alarming and perplexing. It now appears our current vaccines are likely to offer a mere 180-day window of protection – a decided lack of durability underscored by scientific evidence from Israel and confirmed by Pfizer, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other countries.
Here, we are already being warned of the need for universal “booster” shots at six-month intervals for the foreseeable future. The obvious broader point that militates for individual vaccine choice is that repeated vaccinations, each with a small risk, can add up to a big risk.
It’s an arms race with the virus.
The most important reason why a universal vaccination strategy is imprudent tracks to the collective risk associated with how the virus responds when replicating in vaccinated individuals. Here, basic virology and evolutionary genetics tell us the goal of any virus is to infect and replicate in as many people as possible. A virus can’t efficiently spread if, like with Ebola, it quickly kills its hosts.
The clear historical tendency for viruses crossing over from one species to another is to evolve in a way that makes them both more infectious and less pathogenic over time. However, a universal vaccination policy deployed in the middle of a pandemic can turn this normal Darwinian taming process into a dangerous vaccine arms race.
The essence of this arms race is this: The more people you vaccinate, the greater the number of vaccine-resistant mutations you are likely to get, the less durable the vaccines will become, ever more powerful vaccines will have to be developed, and individuals will be exposed to more and more risk.
Science tells us here that today’s vaccines, which use novel gene therapy technologies, generate powerful antigens that direct the immune system to attack specific components of the virus. Thus, when the virus infects a person with a “leaky” vaccination, the viral progeny will be selected to escape or resist the effects of the vaccine.
If the entire population has been trained via a universal vaccination strategy to have the same basic immune response, then once a viral escape mutant is selected, it will rapidly spread through the entire population – whether vaccinated or not.
A far more optimal strategy is to vaccinate only the most vulnerable. This will limit the amount of vaccine-resistant mutations and thereby slow, if not halt, the current vaccine arms race.
Fortunately, those most vulnerable represent a relatively small number; and these cohorts have already achieved high levels of vaccine acceptance. They include senior citizens, for whom the risk of serious disease or death increases exponentially with age, and those with significant comorbidities such as obesity, lung, and heart disease.
For much of the rest of the population, there’s nothing to fear but fear of the virus itself. This is particularly true if we have lawful outpatient access to a growing arsenal of scientifically proven prophylactics and therapeutics.
For example, there has been much controversy over ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Yet, with the emergence of a growing body of scientific evidence, we can be assured these two medicines are safe and effective in prophylaxis and early treatment when administered under a physician’s supervision. Numerous other useful treatments range from famotidine/celecoxib, fluvoxamine, and apixaban to various anti-inflammatory steroids, Vitamin D, and zinc.
The broader goal when administering these agents is to moderate symptoms and take death off the table, particularly for the unvaccinated. Unlike vaccines, these agents are generally not dependent on specific viral properties or mutations but instead mitigate or treat the inflammatory symptoms of the disease itself. (Pfizer is now actively marketing its own antiviral therapeutic – tacit admission Pfizer’s own vaccine is incapable of eradicating the virus.)
We are not “anti-vax.” One of us (Dr. Malone) invented the core mRNA technology being used by Pfizer and Moderna to produce their vaccines and has spent his entire professional career developing and advancing novel vaccine technologies, vaccines, and other medical countermeasures. The other (Mr. Navarro) played a key role at the Trump White House in jumpstarting Operation Warp Speed and ensuring timely delivery of the vaccines.
We are simply saying that just because you have a big vaccine hammer, it is not necessarily wise to use it for every nail. The American people deserve better than a universal vaccination strategy under the flag of bad science and enforced through authoritarian measures.• Dr. Robert Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the inventor of mRNA vaccines while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. Peter Navarro served in the Trump White House as the Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
What Real Fascism Actually Looks Like
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini
Monday, August 2, 2021
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