From Harford Campaign for Liberty (via
The Dagger):
Dear Friend,
This January 26, 2016
7pm – 9pm
Harford Vineyard and Winery
1311 Jarrettsville Rd
Forest Hill, MD 21050
This Tuesday, January 26th at Harford Campaign for Liberty!
Special Guest Ron Ely, founder of Maryland Drivers Alliance, will give us an overview of speed and red light cameras – how they’re privately operated, how the camera system promotes corruption, and how many cameras have been discovered to be misplaced, mis-calibrated, and illegally used.
This legislative session a bill to repeal speed cameras, red light cameras and construction zone cameras has been introduced in the House, with 22 co-sponsors AND COUNTING in agreement to rid the state of illegal “Scameras”.
Has your Representative signed the bill?
Bring your questions for an informative presentation, and let’s get ready to rally our local officials in the fight!
Then, long-time local activist Scott DeLong will begin a two-part discussion on unrest in the Middle East, and America’s role in world politics.
Are the major media networks giving you the whole picture – or just a biased slice of the story? Is it even possible to practice Non-Intervention in today’s world? Should we stay out of the crisis in Syria and surrounding countries, or should we “see if sand can glow in the dark”?
Your own comments and news during Open Mic – Share what’s going on!
Wine Tasting, wines by the glass or bottle, and light refreshments
Share the Facebook Event and invite your friends to join us for a interesting and informative two hours!
For Liberty,
Christina Trotta
Harford County Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
---Update - Brian Goodman says
January 25, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Harford Campaign for Liberty Cancels January 26th Meeting
Harford Campaign for Liberty regretfully announces the cancellation of its January 26th meeting. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing everyone in February.