Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Baltimore School Test Scores Near Bottom in the Nation


  1. Hamas’s cruel treatment of the hostages it has kidnaped has become increasingly evident. With each staggered release of a few hostages at a time, families are left in constant agony, clinging to the hope that their loved ones might return home, only to endure the emotional toll of uncertainty.
    Trump: said: “ If all hostages not released by Saturday, Gaza cease-fire should be canceled”
    Tragically, the reality is that many of the remaining hostages may either be dead or in such poor physical condition that their release could be a public relations nightmare for Hamas.
    The Gaza hostages held in tunnels for over 8 months, were starved, IDF medical officer says. They had little to no human contact and showed signs of “a mild starvation”
    Patience with Hamas is fast running out…

    President Donald Trump recently remarked that the last batch of hostages looked like “Holocaust survivors,” highlighting the appalling conditions these individuals have endured. This comparison emphasizes the severe toll on their health and well-being, suggesting the unimaginable suffering these hostages have faced under Hamas’s captivity. While some hostages are fortunate enough to be released, the ongoing ordeal for those still held captive speaks to the depths of cruelty and disregard for human life exhibited by this group.
    The Freed hostages say they knew they had to project strength at Hamas handover. Female soldiers tell family and friends about periods with no food, and NO clean toilets. But they were made to clean the toilets for the Hamas terrorists...
    Trump says the cease-fire should be canceled if Hamas doesn’t release all hostages by Saturday OR ELSE!
    Hamas’s cruel treatment of the hostages it has kidnapped has become increasingly evident. With each staggered release of a few hostages at a time, families are left in constant agony, clinging to the hope that their loved ones might return home, only to endure the emotional toll of uncertainty.
    And he doesn't think that the ceasefire will last. I'm not saying that he's incorrect, but one, the Israelis are our friends and two didn't he say that there would be Hell to pay if Hamas didn't release all of the hostages?
    Tragically, the reality is that many of the remaining hostages may either be dead or in such poor physical condition that their release could be a public relations nightmare for Hamas.

    Patience with Hamas is fast running out…

    President Donald Trump recently remarked that the last batch of hostages looked like “Holocaust survivors,” highlighting the appalling conditions these individuals have endured. This comparison emphasizes the severe toll on their health and well-being, suggesting the unimaginable suffering these hostages have faced under Hamas’s captivity. While some hostages are fortunate enough to be released, the ongoing ordeal for those still held captive speaks to the depths of cruelty and disregard for human life exhibited by this group.

    Trump says the cease-fire should be canceled if Hamas doesn’t release all hostages by This coming Saturday, OR ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOSE!
    I just watched him speaking and I don’t think he was being wishy washy, he was being very frank and believable .And I think he’s right, it’s far past time that this ends, and ends with his doing exactly what he is saying that he’ll do!

  2. My theory about Barrack Obama is as follows.
    Barrack was a major drug dealer in Hawaii as a teen and at Colombia, where he had the drug-using professors and fellow students in his hip pocket. Same with Harvard. He didn’t attend class because he didn’t have to -- he could buy, manipulate, or coerce grades and diplomas. His 'community organizer' cover... more drug dealing.

    “Community Organizer, my ass. Try major drug dealer. Hawaii -- New York -- Boston -- Chicago.

    “How did Barry go from a high school pothead to being a student at Columbia and Harvard? Who paid the tab? What part time jobs did he have? Drug Dealer.

    “Who writes two autobiographies before the age of 50? Why? In order to define one’s self and create a narrative.”

    I’ll go a little further with this theory. Why have no friends (male or female) come forward gushing, “Gee! I knew (went with) Barry when we were at...”? The simple answer to that question would be, snitches have a way of coming up dead. There’s already one homo in Rev. (I use that title loosely) Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club who died a mysterious death when he came forward.

  3. Bill Clinton: Said “ I’m Open to Discussing Preemptive Pardon for Hillary Before Trump Takes Office In January”
    Now WHY would Billie say anything like that about Hill? Why would she need a pardon? Did she destroy evidence or something? Did she collude with Russians
    to influence the 2016 election with a fake Russian Dossier? The whole idea of a preemptive pardon is nonsense
    After watching Hillary come up with one lie after another to explain why she was using a personal server for email distribution, and to answer a few simple questions wearing her orange jump suit, you would think that at least the "Average American" must be thinking, but as it turned out she lied again.
    Once again she had been caught in another lie.
    And THIS is who the Dimwits are running for President? Hillary couldn’t even shine Sarah Palin’s shoes when it come to Honesty. How can anyone who is even thinking of running for the Presidency not recall whether or not she wiped her server clean, when she had a professional do it? And then asked if it’s done with wiping it with a “cloth”! It's a simple yes or no question! If she is that incompetent, Hillary is a lying son of a bitch, she should not be running.
    Hillary is and always has been a hideous candidate, even for a Democrat! How can anyone take a cheating Lying evil women like her serious? She’s a lot more dangerous than Donald Trumps Hair! Ya Know What comes around goes around when it seems that Hillary floated a pardon for Billie.
    The Hildabeast is in some deluded state of greatness seems to think the American public is buying her lies such as landing in Bosnia under fire, and the list goes on and on and on... The democrats are NOT drinking plain old Kool-Aid, anymore. Now, their drinking Hillary's Douche Water. Because it takes an extra level of stupidity to look past the LYING, the STEALING, and the INFLUENCE PEDDLING.
    And these FOOL’S on the left believe her LIES about Benghazi? As if that’s a big joke! Jeff Foxworthy should be asking her if she’s “Smarter than a Fifth Grader”! These Clinton’s are disgusting

  4. Continued!
    Lets see now, Hillary Clinton. The wife of an impeached President. The Failed Secretary of State. The Serial liar. Her husband gets caught with his pants down, and she gets caught with her Pant-Suit on. What a lovely combination they make. Slick Willy at it again playing with words, "depends on what you mean by the word "is"" LOL. He said Hillary did not "send or receive" classified" emails, putting on a big show with the word ZERO. The piece of shit. But Hillary DID STORE classified emails on her private server, which is dead illegal, which was hacked by every competent intelligence agency in the world. She is probably being blackmailed by Putin this very minute
    And just for the record, lets look at her “Accomplishments”
    Hillary is too old.
    She chalked up more air miles than any other Secretary of State!
    She's lies more often any other Secretary of State!.
    Remember Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi! The worst of all, when not only did she lie about Benghazi, but she failed to act in response to the attack, and 4 Americans DIED.
    But, at this point, what difference does any of thismake!
    We can’t forget her e-mail scandal.
    Her Zero record of accomplishment.
    She was fired during the Watergate investigation.
    Remember her words about Iraq and other conflicts.
    Her Dodging Sniper Bullets in Bosnia, with her lying daughter, and then “misspoke” about it.
    "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base".
    Daughter Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center during the September 11th attack.
    She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest.
    Her family was dead broke when they left the White House, when they only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I guess when you’re used to living off the taxpayer’s paying for your vacations, private airfare, security, food, housing, and all, those things, you forget about the few millions that you have socked away..

    And Now She Blames Her Lawyers
    Should I continue?
    And this is the lying, arrogant, abomination that these Democrats want for their president? She’s even worse that Obama! If that’s at all possible.
    And what do you mean preemptive pardons that are retroactive for unprotected not named crimes going back a decade are not constitutional? Didn’t Joey Biden do it? .

  5. I haven't followed the trends of school tests in a while, but I suspect my home state California is the bottom ranked state, which is quite sad.

  6. Mystere's trend re school tests was to flunk them. Until he was placed in a "special needs" class.
