Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Linguistics for Edumacated Persons: The MSM Fact-Checker PolitiFact's 2024 "Lie" of the Year...

There are all sorts of lies in this world. Little white lies all the way to Bernie Madoff-sized piles of them.

Some lies don't hurt at all, some lies only affect one or two people, and some lies cover vast swaths of lives.

There are deadly serious lies with equally awful consequences, and then there are hilarious lies that only get funnier the more desperate they get.

Then there are the lies in politics, which are both, to a certain degree, expected and potentially devastating.

That's why the self-anointed, "unbiased" truth sniffers class, like some of the bigger 'fact checkers,' are "supposed" to be so important.

They root out the truth, protecting justice and the American way for all the non-savvy believers of everything they read types.

The most august in reputation of these used to be Snopes before a spectacular progressive flameout - plagiarism, coke, and prostitutes, (wheee!) - brought it down off the pinnacle in a fiery ball like a satellite returning to Earth.

The gold standard "Snopes-checked" is now met with snickers or "Who?"

So we are left with industry-leading - you'll notice I didn't mention quality - Politifact, another organization with whom one could take up any number of questionable issues.

But every year, it is sort of entertaining to see what the progressives who run the site decide what the "Lie of the Year" will be after magnanimously calling for suggestions from the public. The Politifact staff then spends countless hours reportedly agonizing over choices during the waning weeks of the year.

This year is no different although I would say as far as big fat whoppers go, there has been a wealth of material to choose from.

Right off the top of my head is one repeated by everyone from the Vice President of the United States on down: that this obvious vegetative mass is 'sharp as a tack.'

Just pick a name and put "Lie of the Year" next to their quote. It's a target-rich environment in a single article alone and there are dozens.

"...And I’m telling you, this guy is tough. He’s smart. He’s on his game,” Landrieu said."

...Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas offered a similar defense, calling Biden “sharp.”

“The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he is sharp, intensely probing and detail-oriented and focused,” Mayorkas told “Meet the Press.”

That's the most obvious big fat one, affecting the entire world.

The most recent whopper in the public eye is also pretty obvious and caused a whale of a brouhaha. Weirdly, it didn't even rate a 'false' from Politifact, much less mind one of their iconic screaming "Pants on Fire" Truth-O-Meter readings.

You remember - that one about Biden not pardoning Hunter? And then he did?

To the non-biased fact-checkers at Politifact, that was a 'flop,' not a 'lie.'

Democrat Party Politicians never LIE, they "flop"

If it's not PolitiFact, it must be PolitiFiction!


  1. Yawn. Another lie that will persist for many years. Our fantastic President Joe Biden changed his mind. And it is a good thing he did. Either way there would be consequences. This option was undoubtedly the lesser of two bad options. Though it was ONLY necessary because of the threat of political persecution that SURELY would be in store for Hunter just next year. This has been PROMISED by republicans. And you think Joe Biden should have did nothing? He never should have appointed Merrick Garland. That was a bigly mistake. But an even bigger mistake would have been to not pardon Hunter.

    1. Yeah, Hunter's crimes had nothing to do with it, although they didn't have to "invent" the crimes like they had to do to Trump.

  2. Beege Welborn = author of political fiction.

    Is "they're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats" a white lie that doesn't hurt anyone at all?

    1. Hey Dervish, why don't you sponsor a Haitian refugee or other refugees by hosting them at your "house"? Let them take your pooches for a long walk around your neighborhood, unsupervised by you.

    2. BS. I'm a pet owner. I'm not worried about any immigrant eating my dog. I am worried about a rightturd gun nut shooting my dog. I've seen Facebook posts where people say they found their lost dog shot dead. I worry about real threats, not imaginary ones.

    3. There is no pet eating occurring in Ohio. There was no pet eating occurring in Ohio. It didn't happen. It isn't happening. Why it was declared lie of the year.

    4. Good question. They convicted that Ohio pet-eater... so she pled guilty to a lie?

    5. Yes. She is clearly mentally ill. If her plea didn't take that into account, she pled guilty to a lie.

      Also, Allexis Ferrell was born in America. She isn't an immigrant or Haitian. And this didn't happen in Springfield.

    6. She looks a Haitian and ate cats in Ohio. That's close enough for government work.

    7. Besides, it was my argument that people of different cultures, if hungry, will resort to eating pets (and roadkill). You were the one that argued that "that never happens, and Haitians have never done that sort of thing".

    8. I never argued that there are no mentally ill people. How many pets have you eaten? You keep talking about it. Maybe you know about pet eating from personal experience.

    9. People who eat pets are mentally ill? I would have thought that they were just hungry. Who knew?

  3. Jan Mayorkas calls Biden "sharp"? 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 That's quite ripe. Ripe as a chunk of Limburger cheese!

  4. Minus: People who eat pets are mentally ill? I would have thought that they were just hungry. Who knew?

    Allexis Ferrell is obviously mentally ill. Hungry people go to the grocery store. If they can't afford groceries they can apply for SNAP or use other resources that provide food for people in need. Like Food Banks, Food Pantries, or Community Kitchens. Eating pets in the United States is illegal.

  5. Smoking marijuana is illegal by federal law, but not certain States (thanks to the 9th & 10th Amendments).

    One person's "pet" is another person's "dinner". Got rabbits?

  6. You can hunt wild rabbits legally. You can't hunt your neighbor's pet rabbits legally. Killing neighbor's pet for food isn't legal in any state.
