Friday, December 27, 2024

Meet the Corporate Donors!


  1. Congress acting to prevent Trump from taking office would constitute carte blanche open season on everyone in government down to librarians and dog catchers.

    We wish TPTB much luck with that undertaking. It isn't going to turn out like the Left thinks. There might be 100M less people in America afterwards, but there would be one-party rule after that for the next 500 years. The other party would be extinct, and the largest edifice on the planet would be the pyramid of bleached Democommunist skulls erected as a monument afterwards.

    One can but hope they make the attempt suggested by the utter morons at The Hill.

    Methinks that we ain’t gonna see Mrs Kamala Harris around these here parts of Washington anymore.

  2. So, those subsidies will be cut or increased under Turd-2?

  3. They are in charge of that? So they are definitely going up.

  4. In less than a month, elected Democrats will find themselves with a lot less power in Washington, with a Complete Republican -controlled House, Senate and The White House resulting in a landscape in which their ability to tussle with President-elect Donald Trump will be largely rhetorical.

    Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has already planed to blunt Trump’s MAGA agenda .
    But if the Democratic leaders have learned one thing from the Republicans over their big defeat, it’s that sometimes, the judiciary can be working against the opposing party getting what it wants. As, Senate Democrats have approved 235 of Biden’s judicial picks, eclipsing Trump’s 234 first-term judicial nominations.
    Chuckles Schumer has been FIRED by the American voter as Senate Majority Leader. One has to wonder if Chucky himself realizes that?
    I don’t know the lying douchbag realizes that!. Because Chucky stood on the capital stars and said But I can tell you this: The judiciary will be one of our strongest — if not our strongest — barrier against whatever he does, says the Big Mouthed FORMER Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer!
    HOWEVER! The Republicans will control all three branches of government after Trump won the 2024 election in a landslide with huge down ballot victories.
    The Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and took control the Senate in a huge governmentwide sweep this election.
    The US Supreme Court currently has 6 Conservative justices and 3 three liberal justices.
    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has rammed through a record number of judges on his way out the door. Schumer warns Trump: Intel officials ‘We have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you’
    “The Democrats are trying to stack the Courts with Radical Left Judges on their way out the door. Republican Senators need to Show Up and Hold the Line — No more Judges confirmed before Inauguration Day!” President Trump said
    So much for an impartial honest judiciary appointed by Democrats, and So Much for a “Smooth Transformation” ...
    I think that “Chucky Pooh” Does Not Appear to Realize That He Does NOT Carry the Weight He Once Did.! And if he’s not careful, CHUCKY MAY END UP AS A SIDEWALK HOT DOG VENDOR

  5. The Retarded Lefties are at it again. On Thursday, a month before Donald Trump is even Inaugurated several lawmakers expressed condemnation of an op-ed in The Hill that urged members of Congress to try and block President-elect Donald Trump from taking office for his second term.

    These Lefties have proved that the Democratic Party has already gone NUTS, and t that they belong on the Loony farm

    1. Hey, Dervy! Did you hear what anonymous said? You belong on the loony farm, Dervy.

  6. I can't go to any "loony farm" because that's imaginary. Loonies are minted, not farmed.

    1. Yeah, once again, you pull another bait and switch rabbit out of your joebidenhole, Dervish. Coins have nothing to do with this.

  7. Mystere pulled "loony farm" and "joebidenhole" out of his endo. Neither one of those are real things. They are both delusions produced by Mystere's mentally ill brain.

    1. Derpy describes his fake Mystere account and himself in just one retort.

  8. You are the one with the fake account, Mystere. I refer to the fake account you use to badly impersonate me.
