Sunday, December 29, 2024

Is Cancel Culture a form of "Anti-Trad" Cultural Performance Art Spawned from a Luxury Belief System?

Scapegoating the Old Idols and Casting their followers Out


  1. Not being hateful isn't a "luxury". It's called being a decent person.

    1. Not using oil/gas/coal and insisting upon wind/solar IS a luxury belief. Abandoning nuclear IS a luxury belief. Driving electric cars IS a luxury belief. Transitioning via sugery to another sex because you think your the wrong sex IS a luxury belief. Indulging people who do transition and render themself 'sterile' IS a luxury belief. Does a 'good' person indulge and enable mental illness?

  2. You just admitted you're not a decent person, Dervish.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

    1. By the way, God Almighty heard the Fatwa you declared against Donald Trump and J D Vance's families. Your wishes got duly noted and noticed by God Almighty.

  3. Neither of those things happened. You only shared your delusions, Mystere.

    1. What are you talking about, Dervy? I didn't say anything about any Fatwa you declared against Donald John Trump's family and J D Vance's family. That was Rattrapper who mentioned what you said. Are you exposing your buttocks again, lighting matches behind your bare scrotum? Be very careful, lest you light your flatulent carcass and burn yourself when you pass gas.

  4. President Biden REGRETS withdrawing from the election. He says that he would have beaten Trump.
    .He. also Regrets getting angry at the Easter Bunny on Easter Sunday because he would have gotten more for dinner that night.

    1. Yes, the symptoms of Biden/ Dervy's ideological derangement are daily more evident.

    2. Dervish's mental illness has gotten worse with the death of former Presidential Jimmy Carter. Dervish threw several infantile temper tantrums on Blogger yesterday.

    3. Hey Dervy, don't worry. Everything will be fine, even with the death of former President Jimmy Carter. And yes, my reply above has a typo, courtesy of Google's squirrely auto correct programming.

      Jimmy's in Heaven, eating a buffet of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches along with his favorite foods. He's gonna work alongside Jesus, building amazing mansions in Heaven for others to enjoy when their times come. He has a nice peanut farm gifted to him by Rosalyn and her family members who went ahead of both of them. Jimmy's even hanging out with the Reagans, working on a new amazing barn for the luxurious ranch that Ronald has. Jimmy got treated to the best jellybeans ever that Ronny came across in Heaven.

    4. Biden should be glad he got kicked aside from seeking reerection. He would have gotten his balls kicked badly last November.

    5. Oops! The automatic correction gremlins struck again. It should have said reelection. Oh well.

    6. And yes, Biden would have gotten kicked in his balls last November, had he been on the ticket. But now Timi got Empoxx from the monkeyshine, and the stench will follow him to his bid for reelection of Governor in 2026.

  5. Jimmy Carter was a great man and a great president. He was a good and decent man. Also a real Christian. Unlike d0n0ld tRump. d0n0ld is an evil and selfish man. Also a completely phony Christian. Like you, Mystere.

    1. Dervish, you have some serious problems with your mental illness that your prescription drugs can't treat. Your seances only aggravate your condition. You will eventually end up in Fire Lake if you refuse to acknowledge and turn away from your sins.

      Your queer fixations will bring strange terminal diseases to your carcass if you don't stop your sinning and idol worship.

  6. Where did those newly released pictures of President Joe Biden meeting some of his son Hunter Biden’s Chinese business partners during an official visit to the country, as well as Hunter meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping and other senior officials.

    This is the first time these images have been made public

    1. I saw the new photos. there had been others before, now there are just more of them proving that the meetings were just random happenstance... but deliberately choreographed.

  7. Minus: Not using oil/gas/coal and insisting upon wind/solar IS a luxury belief. Abandoning nuclear IS a luxury belief.

    That is an imaginary belief. We are using oil and gas and coal. We will be using them for a long time to come. The wind blows and the sun shines all the time. It is free and non-polluting. It's incredibly foolish to reject them in favor of dirty fossil fuels and dangers nuclear energy.

    Minus: Driving electric cars IS a luxury belief.

    Is that why Elon Musk got involved with electric cars? fyi, people are working to bring the costs down. Gas powered vehicles will be around for a long time to come. I fully support government subsidies for green energy. Oil and gas are highly subsidized. Given the existential threat posed by climate change, it would be very stupid not to subsidize green energy.

    Minus: Transitioning via sugery to another sex because you think your the wrong sex IS a luxury belief.

    What do you want to do about it? Would you like to outlaw the luxury belief of plastic surgery for people who want bigger boobs and other unnecessary cosmetic surgeries too?

    Minus: Indulging people who do transition and render themself 'sterile' IS a luxury belief. Does a 'good' person indulge and enable mental illness?

    Copilot: Being transgender is not considered a mental illness. The medical and psychological communities, including organizations like the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization, recognize that being transgender is a natural variation of human experience.

    Someone being transgender has no effect on my life at all. While the mental illness of trumpism very much will. Yet you fully support indulging and enabling the mental illness known as trumpism. You've been ranting about "permission structures" to make such vile beliefs acceptable.

    Meanwhile Mystere is fantasizing about erections and having delusions about what is going on in heaven. Yet more evidence of Mystere's extremely serious mental illnesses.

    1. Yes, we use oil/gas because its' incredibly CHEAPER. We use gasoline powered vehicles because they're CHEAPER. To use EVs in the face of CHEAPER alternatives is a LUXURY belief.

      I fully support government subsidies for green energy.

      Then you are an idiot. People receiving the subsidies do it only for the subsidy... they could care less about achieving a breakthrough. An unsubsidized agent has EVERY incentive to making a real breakthrough.

      Being transgender is not considered a mental illness. T

      LOL! Not by todays guilt-pride laden and censorship loving guilt-pride freaks. It's always been considered a mental illness up until very recently when it got "de-listed" by the sharp-elbowed and elitist psych-politicians in the latest DSM manual.

    2. Dervy's a queer, as evidence of his queerness has been screencapped from his blogs. Anyone who proudly displays queer cartoons of Donald Trump showering with men, looking at their private parts, posting queer sex gadgets named Donald Trump vibrator and displaying naked Donald Trump wax statues with Trump body parts sculpted by some queer guy fantasizing what Trump's penis looks like proves how queer and mentally ill Dervish is.

  8. Minus: Yes, we use oil/gas because its' incredibly CHEAPER.

    Oil and gas are highly subsidized. Are you opposed to those subsidies?

    Minus: To use EVs in the face of CHEAPER alternatives is a LUXURY belief.

    New cars are all very expensive. Are new cars a "luxury belief"?

    As of April 2024, the least expensive new car available for sale in the United States is the 2024 Mitsubishi Mirage ES, with a starting price of $18,160.

    As of 2024, the least expensive new electric vehicle (EV) available for sale in the United States is the 2024 Nissan Leaf S, with a starting price of $28,140. the $28,140 price for the 2024 Nissan Leaf S is the base price without taking the federal EV tax credit into account. If you qualify for the $3,750 federal EV tax credit, the effective price could be reduced to $25,485.

    That's a lot of money, but there are more expensive gas powered vehicles. If I ask google what the average new vehicle price it, it says "In September 2024, the average transaction price (ATP) for a new vehicle in the United States was $48,397". That is the AI Overview.

    The Nissan Leaf is a little more than half that. How is spending half a "luxury value"?

    Minus: got "de-listed" by the sharp-elbowed and elitist psych-politicians in the latest DSM manual.

    The imaginary "guilt pride" wasn't a factor at all, neuro-biology research was. Though that is probably more science for you to not believe.

  9. The truth about the recently deceased Jimmy Carter is not pretty.

    He was the worst president in modern history-- until Barack Obama assumed the position, and now Carter is looking even better with the title now being passed to the evil, corrupt, senile Joe Biden. All Democrats!

  10. from Google AI:

    The average transaction price (ATP) for a new electric vehicle (EV) in the United States is around $56,000, while the average price for a new gas-powered vehicle is around $49,000.

    Luxury values. QED!

    1. btw - Who do you think pays for that EV tax credit subsidy Derv. Me. It's the subsidize the "Idiot tax". And the idiot isn't me.

  11. That is very generous of you to pay for everyone's EV tax credit. You must be incredibly wealthy. btw, as I pointed out, the Nissan Leaf is significantly less expensive. Other more expensive EV options exist. The same as more expensive gas powered vehicle options exist. People are free to buy whatever vehicle that they desire and are able to afford. Or lease or buy used.

    In regards to the "worst president in history" designation the anonymous commenter brings up, that designation was officially bestowed on donald tRump. donald tRump is the worst president in American history. That was in regards to his first term. I have no doubt whatsoever that he will do an even worse job if he returns to the White House.

    Trump ranked as worst US president in history, with Biden 14th greatest.

    1. I don't pay for it voluntarily. The IRS reaches forcibly into my pocket (by your direction) and extracts it under threat of imprisonment.

    2. Perhaps you should donate your 'surplus' in salary to your causes, instead of robbing me.

  12. While I am definitely not a queer, I must admit that I love the feel of Rikishi's erection sliding in and out of my endo. It is very pleasurable. Liking pleasure doesn't make someone queer. I accidentally wrote "erection" above because Rikishi was railing me with his when I wrote that comment. Derpwood will be so jealous. LOL.

    1. More proof that all desire is the desire of the other. Now stop stealing MY joy! ;p

    2. Hey Dervy, messing with Mr. E is a very Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad thing to do. But then, you're bent on screwing yourself. Carry on.

  13. Mystere: Dervy's a queer, as evidence of his queerness has been screencapped from his blogs. Anyone who proudly displays queer cartoons of Donald Trump showering with men...

    Men shower with men all the time in a completely non-sexualized context. Professional athletes and men in gym showers. Yet your mind immediately goes to thinking of sex when you see a G rated cartoon of men showering in a gym shower that shows zero nudity (only implied nudity). And you've been obsessing over this political cartoon for years. Proof of your latent homosexuality.

    1. Derpy loves to shower with other men? What a confession.

  14. Mystere: Derpy loves to shower with other men? What a confession.

    I made no such confession. You're experiencing another delusion.

    Minus: Perhaps you should donate your 'surplus' in salary to your causes, instead of robbing me.

    I fully support "robbing" you.

    1. Yes, one must always commit evil in service of a higher/ greater good. It's what distinguishes an 'activist' from a mere orator/ verbal-ist.

    2. One must genuflect in the direction of the collection plate when it passes...

    3. ...and palm the bills from the top as you drop your 'pennies" in.

  15. ...or commit good in service of a higher/greater good.

    "Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society" U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
