Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Cure for Leftism...

...and why our Society will ALWAYS be sick.


  1. Yeah, the right will never stop resenting non-Whites for demanding equality. Not anytime soon anyway. Currently you're all in for White Supremacy.

    1. πŸ”ΊπŸ”ΊSays the KKK Grand Kleagle of Henry County Tennessee.πŸ”ΊπŸ”Ί

  2. Watched the video now. He never mentioned politics. You seem to think it's Lefties who are resentful. But tRump is running on White Grievance. It's rightturds who are filled with resentment. It's rightturds who need scapegoats to blame for their problems.

    This is more of that. Blaming the Left for our country's problems. What we need a cure for is rightturdism. Leftism is the solution to our problems.

  3. There is a cure for Rightism. Its' Leftism. Reseentment.

  4. Yeah.

    White Chinese... really are Supreme. ;-P

    What is the biggest race in the world?
    The Han Chinese
    As of January 2024, there were about 5 billion global Internet users, constituting 66% of the world population. The Han Chinese are the world's largest single ethnic group, constituting over 19% of the global population in 2011.

    World population - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › World_population

  5. Yeah , but they're not racists like Europeans.... @@

  6. They say that three things cannot be trusted: the king, the Sea, and the weather. Dervy believes that he can control all three... as a Democratic karma chameleon.

  7. You still treating him as somewhat intellectual...


  8. ...who attends to the University Discourse but fails to notice the inconstancy of the Master Signifier behind it.

  9. \\No, merely as another hysteric.

    If IT would be hysteric -- it would break. Long-long ago.

    But... that how IT reacts -- is evidance of total lack of brains for that.

    Only reflectory reactions. ;-P

    Like Volta's frog. ;-)

  10. Minus: They say that three things cannot be trusted: the king, the Sea, and the weather. Dervy believes that he can control all three


    Qtard: White Chinese... really are Supreme. ;-P

    Is that what you are, crazy cretin? Why you've babbled a number of times about how Chinese are White and "Suprime". Huh. You actually used the correct word this time.

  11. Good thing that the spelling Nazi's are. Pointing out spelling mistakes is how they demonstrate their subprimacy.

  12. I didn't say Qtard misspelled "Supreme". I said Qtard used the wrong word. "Suprime" instead of "supreme".

    Google says... "Suprime means "delete" or "remove" in Spanish.

    I didn't know why Qtard did that. Could do it again in the future. Qtard may be intentionally using the word "suprime". ONLY this time using "supreme" was an accident.

    In any case, it appears to me that Nazis like calling people "cretin" and that calling people "cretin" is how they demonstrate their "subprimacy".

    FYI, Google Chrome (browser I'm using) underlines (with a wavy line in red) words it thinks are misspelled. "Suprime" is underlined. As is "subprimacy". I dunno how seeing words underlined in red would cause me to believe I am supreme.

    Is Qtard living in Spain? Mexico? Some other country where they speak Spanish?

    And why is Qtard "obviously" not Chinese?

  13. Then why did you connect his use of suprime to supreme in you comment? Why not simply take his word choice at face value?

    because subprimacist love to display their subprimacy. That's why.

  14. Because it is the WRONG word. What is the "face value"? How are Chinese people White and "Suprime"? Qtard hates Chinese people and is saying they should be removed or deleted? Qtard also pointed out that there are LOT of them. So I don't know HOW that could be accomplished. Maybe Qtard just wants them OUT of whatever country Qtard lives in.

    Minus: because subprimacist love to display their subprimacy. That's why.

    That's your version of calling me a "cretin"? I'm a "subprimacist" -- and that means that, instead of seeing myself as superior, I see myself as inferior? And I'm proud to be inferior?

  15. \\Qtard: White Chinese... really are Supreme. ;-P

    \\Is that what you are, crazy cretin? Why you've babbled a number of times about how Chinese are White and "Suprime". Huh. You actually used the correct word this time.

    So... I can count it as YOUR admission that Chinese are White Supremacists TOO???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

    \\ Q is obviously NOT Chinese. ;P

    And how'd you know? ;-P

    \\Google says... "Suprime means "delete" or "remove" in Spanish.

    So... now I'm a Spaniard????? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))00))))))))))))))

    \\I didn't know why Qtard did that. Could do it again in the future. Qtard may be intentionally using the word "suprime". ONLY this time using "supreme" was an accident.

    Oh. How wise of you... to admit that you know only that, that your know nothing. ;-P


    \\In any case, it appears to me that Nazis like calling people "cretin" and that calling people "cretin" is how they demonstrate their "subprimacy".


    That's what you do, nazi totalitarian cretin.

    "Nazis of the future will be calling itself anti-nazi". ;-P

    \\FYI, Google Chrome (browser I'm using) underlines (with a wavy line in red) words it thinks are misspelled. "Suprime" is underlined. As is "subprimacy". I dunno how seeing words underlined in red would cause me to believe I am supreme.

    Because... you are cretin, maybe? ;-P

    That's why you "I dunno" such simple things. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Because it is the WRONG word.

    Who said? ;-P

    You -- cretin.

    Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    \\Qtard hates Chinese people and is saying they should be removed or deleted?

    Your SAMEBODY alter-ego "Qtard"????

    Don't quite remember... but, if your admitting it... quite could be. ;-P

    \\That's your version of calling me a "cretin"? I'm a "subprimacist" -- and that means that, instead of seeing myself as superior, I see myself as inferior? And I'm proud to be inferior?

    Your confession? ;-P

    1. Dervish loves the White Chinaman. He goes for the sloppy seconds after Hunter boofs it.

  16. Fudge packers have an entire month to wallow in their subprimacy...

  17. Qtard: So... I can count it as YOUR admission that Chinese are White Supremacists TOO???? **cretinic laughter**

    All of them? No. ALL Chinese people don't believe White people with European ancestry are superior. I seriously doubt many do. The percentage that do has got to be incredibly small.

    White (often still referred to as Caucasian) is a racial classification of people generally used for those of mostly European ancestry.

    Qtard: \\Blogger Joe Conservative said... Q is obviously NOT Chinese.\\ And how'd you know?

    I should count this as YOUR admission that you are a White Supremacist who is Chinese?

    Qtard: \\Google says... "Suprime means "delete" or "remove" in Spanish\\ So... now I'm a Spaniard????? **cretinic laugher, drooling, more cretinic laughter**

    YOU have written "suprime". Many times. I don't know the reason. You refuse to say.

    Qtard: Oh. How wise of you... to admit that you know only that, that your know nothing. **cretinic laughter and drooling**

    About why you wrote "suprime" when the correct word to use is "supreme"? No. I didn't know anything about that. NOW I do. You silently confirmed your hate for Chinese people. Want them deleted or removed from the country where you live. Must mean you want them to be killed (deleted) or deported (removed) from the country of Qtardia.

    Qtard: That's what you do, nazi totalitarian cretin. "Nazis of the future will be calling itself anti-nazi".

    Yeah. I agree with your observation about your alter ego, "nazi totalitarian cretin". It is trying to claim it is anti-nazi.

    Qtard: Because... you are cretin, maybe? ;-P

    No. That's a firm NO. NOT a "NewSpeak yes". Not a lie.

    Qtard: That's why you "I dunno" such simple things. **cretinic laughter**

    Such as? Can you quote where I said "I dunno" about a simple thing?

    Qtard: \\Because it is the WRONG word\\ Who said? ;-P


    Qtard: You -- cretin.

    No, me. NOT your alter ego "You cretin".

    Qtard: Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    To you? That's a lie. You wouldn't reply if that wasn't the case. And you certainly wouldn't keep badgering me for replies, writing cretinity like "no cretinic retorts here?"

    Qtard: \\Qtard hates Chinese people and is saying they should be removed or deleted?\\ Your SAMEBODY alter-ego "Qtard"????

    I didn't write "suprime". That was YOU. Obviously you already forgot. Just like you forgot that I've told you (many times) I have no "samebody alter ego Qtard".

    Qtard: Don't quite remember... but, if your admitting it... quite could be. ;-P

    Admitting what? That it was me who asked (many times) if Chinese people are "suprime". WHY would I admit that? That was you.

    Qtard: \\That's your version of calling me a "cretin"? I'm a "subprimacist" -- and that means that, instead of seeing myself as superior, I see myself as inferior? And I'm proud to be inferior?\\ Your confession? ...

    Don't know what question marks mean, cretin? You just used one. But, when I use them, you dunno what they mean? Think my sentences were all statements/confessions? Due to cretinity?

    Minus: No, merely as another hysteric.

    Like you? No. I don't believe in the tinfoil hat nuttery you hysterically post about on this blog. Nonsense about prosecutions against donald tRump being directed by Joe Biden and "rigged". Nonsense about the 2020 election being stolen. etc.

    Minus: Fudge packers have an entire month to wallow in their subprimacy...

    No. Homophobes are going to be wallowing in their suprimacy next month. I bet we'll hear a lot of complaining from hate-filled subprime trumpturds.

    1. You're mistaking your Biden lovers for Trump supporters, Ichabod Derwood Sanders.

  18. Here's an accidental cure for leftism that's being shadow banned: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Joe-Biden-farting-as-he-talks-to-Georgia-election-officials


  19. \\White (often still referred to as Caucasian) is a racial classification of people generally used for those of mostly European ancestry.


    Based of European Nazi Racial Theory. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: That's what you do, nazi totalitarian cretin. "Nazis of the future will be calling itself anti-nazi".

    \\Yeah. I agree with your observation about your alter ego, "nazi totalitarian cretin". It is trying to claim it is anti-nazi.


    MY observations... and YOUR -- behavior. ;-P

    \\No. That's a firm NO. NOT a "NewSpeak yes". Not a lie.

    Said liar.


    \\Qtard: \\Because it is the WRONG word\\ Who said? ;-P


    You -- cretin.

    Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P


    \\No, me. NOT your alter ego "You cretin".

    Gibberish cretinic babbling. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    \\To you? That's a lie. You wouldn't reply if that wasn't the case. And you certainly wouldn't keep badgering me for replies, writing cretinity like "no cretinic retorts here?"

    Why wouldn't I???

    While that is so much fun -- to watch all that merry cretinism. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin -- to produce some more of such merry cretinic babbling. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    \\I didn't write "suprime". That was YOU. Obviously you already forgot. Just like you forgot that I've told you (many times) I have no "samebody alter ego Qtard".


    Because people with split-person syndrome -- do not feel it, do not see it, do not recognize and do not remember -- having alter-egos. ;-P

    But... it manifests itself -- with how their memory are full of lacunas -- when other alter-ego was "in charge".

    And you (current alter-ego of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins) confirmed it dozen times... only in this one post. ;-P

    \\Don't know what question marks mean, cretin? You just used one. But, when I use them, you dunno what they mean? Think my sentences were all statements/confessions? Due to cretinity?


    Due to cretinity you do not get even simple things. :-)))))))))))))))))))))0


    \\No. Homophobes are going to be wallowing in their suprimacy next month. I bet we'll hear a lot of complaining from hate-filled subprime trumpturds.

    Said homophobe that do not like to admit Obama's coming-out. ;-P

  20. Mystere: Says the KKK Grand Kleagle of Henry County Tennessee.

    There isn't one. Not that I know of. You know, Mystere? Confirmed there is one by looking it up in your KKK handbook?

    Mystere: Derwood farted again.

    Who's that? One of your boyfriends?

    Mystere: Dervish loves the White Chinaman. He goes for the sloppy seconds after Hunter boofs it.

    I'm not even sure what you're talking about, Mystere. According to Google, that term might refer to fentanyl. Though I thought you used it to refer to the cocaine that was found at the White House. I've never used either substance and I've never met Hunter Biden.

    Mystere: Dervish has an entire month? Who knew?

    An entire month for what? Celebrating your gayness? But you haven't come out of the closet, Mystere.

    Mystere: You're mistaking your Biden lovers for Trump supporters...

    So, what you're saying is that God loves gay people and they aren't going to Hell? You changed your mind? You're not going to call gay people "queertards" any longer? Maybe because you realize that's offensive?

    Mystere: Here's an accidental cure for leftism that's being shadow banned: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Joe-Biden-farting-as-he-talks-to-Georgia-election-officials

    Baloney. I followed your link and watched two of the many videos that showed up on the page. I heard no farting. Looks like the beginning of the video is chopped off. I strongly suspect this is fake news. Possibly invented to distract from all the farting donald tRump has been doing in court.

  21. Anonymous aka Qtard: \\White (often still referred to as Caucasian) is a racial classification of people generally used for those of mostly European ancestry\\ Yep. Based of European Nazi Racial Theory.

    No. The concept of "races" based on skin color and other features existed before Nazis. It goes back much further than that.

    Microsoft's AI: You're correct that "race" is a social construct. It's a concept created by societies to categorize people based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features.

    These categories have varied across time and cultures, and they don't correspond to any inherent genetic differences. In other words, there's no biological basis for racial divisions.

    Acknowledging the social construct of race doesn't make you a racist. It's an acknowledgment of historical and cultural realities.

    Racism vs. Acknowledgment: Racism involves prejudice, discrimination, or bias against individuals based on their perceived racial or ethnic background.

    Simply acknowledging the existence of race as a social construct doesn't make you racist. It's essential to separate the concept of race from discriminatory attitudes or actions.
    Being aware of race doesn't automatically imply superiority or inferiority -- it's about understanding the context in which people live. [end]

    That is what I've been saying ALL ALONG. You don't know what you're talking about.

    Qtard: That's what you do, nazi totalitarian cretin. "Nazis of the future will be calling itself anti-nazi".\\Yeah. I agree with your observation about your alter ego, "nazi totalitarian cretin". It is trying to claim it is anti-nazi.\\ Yeah. MY observations... and YOUR -- behavior.

    My observations of your behavior suggest to me that's what's going on with YOU. You're a Nazi claiming to be anti-Nazi. As with all your accusations, you are projecting onto me what is true about you. A very common rightturd tactic. Mystere uses it above when he claims that it's Joe Biden supporters who are homophobic. And you do the SAME thing with your comment about "Obama's coming-out".

    Qtard: \\No. That's a firm NO. NOT a "NewSpeak yes". Not a lie\\ Said liar.

    No, I said that. Not you.

  22. Qtard: \\Because it is the WRONG word\\ Who said?\\ Me\\ You -- cretin.

    No. Not "you cretin". ME. The person in this discussion who ISN'T a cretin.

    Qtard: Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

    Like I care about YOUR opinion. It is of no importance to me.

    Qtard: \\No, me. NOT your alter ego "You cretin"\\ Gibberish cretinic babbling.

    Proof of your cretinity. That was only 2 sentences. 8 words. Yet you got confused reading them. In your cretinic mind they're "gibberish".

    Qtard: While that is so much fun -- to watch all that merry cretinism. **cretinic laughter** But... continue-continue, cretin -- to produce some more of such merry cretinic babbling. **cretinic laughing and drooling**

    Yeah. Responding to things I've written does seem to inspire you "to produce some more of such merry cretinic babbling". Big time.

    Qtard: \\I didn't write "suprime". That was YOU. Obviously you already forgot. Just like you forgot that I've told you (many times) I have no "samebody alter ego Qtard"\\ Yeah. Because people with split-person syndrome -- do not feel it, do not see it, do not recognize and do not remember -- having alter-egos.

    You keep telling me about your mental illness. How you think you're observing this "split-person syndrome" in me. When you're the one who has it. But you don't see it in yourself. Do not recognize or remember the alter egos you have.

    Qtard: But... it manifests itself -- with how their memory are full of lacunas -- when other alter-ego was "in charge".

    You'd know. As you revealed previously, you speak from your own experience. I've never experienced any gaps in my memory.

    Qtard: And you (current alter-ego of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins) confirmed it dozen times... only in this one post. ;-P

    "You"? Talking to yourself? Obviously. I didn't count the times, so I don't know if it was a dozen. That seems high. But, you're right. I did see you confirm it. Like (for example) you forgetting that you wrote "subprime".

    Qtard: Yeah. Due to cretinity you do not get even simple things. **cretinic laughing and drooing**

    Right. Though you used "you" in place of "I". Simple thing like a question mark-- cretin thinks a series of sentences that end with a question mark -- those are all statements and make up a "confession".

    Qtard: \\No. Homophobes are going to be wallowing in their suprimacy next month. I bet we'll hear a lot of complaining from hate-filled subprime trumpturds\\ Said homophobe that do not like to admit Obama's coming-out.

    I don't believe you. I think you like to "admit" that. Even though such an "admission" is impossible. Because it never happened. But still (in your delusions) I'm sure you've "admitted" this at least a few times.

  23. \\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

    \\ Anonymous aka Qtard: \\White (often still referred to as Caucasian) is a racial classification of people generally used for those of mostly European ancestry\\ Yep. Based of European Nazi Racial Theory.

    \\ No. The concept of "races" based on skin color and other features existed before Nazis. It goes back much further than that.

    You are very observant, Chief Hawk Eye. ;-P

    That's exactly why I said that it European Tradition.

    And from ancient times -- to call outsiders "barbarians". Draw em on maps like "dog-headed people". And etc.

    \\Acknowledging the social construct of race doesn't make you a racist. It's an acknowledgment of historical and cultural realities.


    That's what modern racists want to embelish their racism with.

    \\Racism vs. Acknowledgment: Racism involves prejudice, discrimination, or bias against individuals based on their perceived racial or ethnic background.


    That's what you did.

    Many-many times.

    In respect to Ukrainians. In respect to Chinese... Palestinians... and etc.

    \\That is what I've been saying ALL ALONG. You don't know what you're talking about.


    Yep, I still dunno -- why you are such a nazi totalitarian cretin.

    Something in your genes?


    You are just a cretin -- and because of that susceptible to any kind of nasty heinous propaganda.

    \\My observations of your behavior

    For that to be anyhow true -- there need to be some facts.

    And that facts -- you'd be able to REFER to.

    But... you can't. ;-P

    \\As with all your accusations, you are projecting onto me what is true about you.


    That perfectly summarize your NewSpeakian lying approach. ;-P

    \\And you do the SAME thing with your comment about "Obama's coming-out".

    And why you care so much... about Obama's coming-out? ;-P

    Because you are... homophobe? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Will stop liking Zero-bama, if some time it will be revealed that he is gay? ;-P

  24. \\No. Not "you cretin". ME. The person in this discussion who ISN'T a cretin.

    Lying cretin "ME" this time.


    \\Like I care about YOUR opinion. It is of no importance to me.


    Like I care about it being "of no importance" to your merry bunch of staunch cretins. ;-P

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: \\No, me. NOT your alter ego "You cretin"\\ Gibberish cretinic babbling.

    \\Proof of your cretinity. That was only 2 sentences. 8 words. Yet you got confused reading them. In your cretinic mind they're "gibberish".


    Because you are complete cretin -- who able to flood with feverish cretinic BS... even 8 word.


    Well... that is not pinnacle of your cretinic might -- you can do it with ONE word.

    Like with your cretinic gibberish "No"s. ;-P

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Yeah. Responding to things I've written does seem to inspire you "to produce some more of such merry cretinic babbling". Big time.

    Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Producing SUCH cretinic gibberish babbling -- NOT based on ANY facts.

    Just pure blurts out of what are on your cretnic feverush delusional mind. ;-P

    I want you to reveal it more, MORE, MOAR!!!! of you cretinity here... so, continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\How you think you're observing this "split-person syndrome" in me. When you're the one who has it.


    and you can REFER to such facts??? ;-P

    That could confirm such claim? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Naaaah. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because you are cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-contniuue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  25. \\I've never experienced any gaps in my memory.

    Of course...

    Because you DO NOT remember... losing memories.

    That's what having gaps in memory is about. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And you (current alter-ego of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins) confirmed it dozen times... only in this one post. ;-P

    \\"You"? Talking to yourself?

    Post is yours... written under SAMEBODY account.



    You cretin do not recognize it as yours??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Because in your mind somebody else written it???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Like (for example) you forgetting that you wrote "subprime".

    Double-checking. Ctrl-Fing "subprime".

    It first appeared in this thread in post

    No. Homophobes are going to be wallowing in their suprimacy next month. I bet we'll hear a lot of complaining from hate-filled subprime trumpturds.

    May 24, 2024 at 4:48 PM

    And that post was written by... TA-DAM... somebody called "Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said..."

    Then in my post... but in quote.

    Then AGAIN. In post of some "Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said..."

    That claimed: "Like (for example) you forgetting that you wrote "subprime"."

    So??? It's interesting...

    Totally not. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    It only TOTALLY revealed -- your cretinity. And split-personality.

    On that same base -- NOT recognizing, forgetting, assigning to SAMEBODY else... babbling. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\Qtard: Yeah. Due to cretinity you do not get even simple things. **cretinic laughing and drooing**

    \\\Right. Though you used "you" in place of "I". Simple thing like a question mark-- cretin thinks a series of sentences that end with a question mark -- those are all statements and make up a "confession".


    Simple thing.

    You. because of being cretin -- cannot get. ;-P

    Thing called -- context.

  26. "suprime" was YOUR word. Minus used the word "subprime". Your "control F" didn't find his comment? Only found mine?

    We were talking about "suprime". Written by you (previously). After which you completely forgot.

    HERE: Qtard hates Chinese people and is saying they should be removed or deleted?\\ Your SAMEBODY alter-ego "Qtard"????

    That was after I said that "suprime" means "remove" or "delete" in Spanish. Yet you cretinically asked about some alter ego I don't have. An imaginary "split person" called by YOUR nickname. Because you forgot that you were the one who used "suprime".

    Qtard: It only TOTALLY revealed -- your cretinity. And split-personality.

    No. What was revealed is that I wrote "subprime" when I meant "suprime". Or autocorrect "fixed" my "suprime", changing it to "subprime". Because "suprime" isn't an English word. While "subprime" is.

    That IS my comment. No "alter ego" wrote it. Because I don't have a split personality.

  27. \\We were talking about "suprime". Written by you (previously). After which you completely forgot.


    I should remember every mistyping I did, who know how long ago?

    Why??? What's importance of it? ;-P

    Can you EXPLAIN... maybe?


    You can't.

    Cause -- cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\HERE: Qtard hates Chinese people and is saying they should be removed or deleted?\\ Your SAMEBODY alter-ego "Qtard"????

    \\That was after I said that "suprime" means "remove" or "delete" in Spanish.


    And you used word "suprime" here.

    And claimed that it should be treated as separate word... and not as mystiping.

    And... that it should mean something -- against based on your own babbling, here.


    See... it's all just your own cretinism here. ;-P

    \\Yet you cretinically asked about some alter ego I don't have. An imaginary "split person" called by YOUR nickname. Because you forgot that you were the one who used "suprime".

    Yet more cretinic babbling here.


    I really tried to treat it otherwise. But found no clue for it to be anything else. ;-P

    But... I encourage you, continue-continue, cretin, such cretinic babbling of yours. ;-P

    For the sake of lulz. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    \\That IS my comment. No "alter ego" wrote it. Because I don't have a split personality.

    Then... why you keep forgetting writing that, what was written under same account... even in same thread????

    That's... look very strange. To have such lousy memory. Incomprehensibly poor.

    As well as other symptoms...


  28. \\Because it is the WRONG word.

    Who said? ;-P

    You -- cretin.

    Your opinion -- is of NO importance.


    If "suprime" was a "mystiping" then why did you defend it as the right word (see quote above)???

    And you wrote it MANY times.

    "mystiping" = bullshit.

  29. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

  30. Go f*ck yourself, a$$hole. You are a f*cking moron.

  31. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000
