Saturday, August 27, 2022

Cancelling Your Future...

If they can cancel Trump's, they can certainly cancel yours:

The following info was in the affidavit released Friday and I didn’t hear a single reporter on ANY channel (except ONE time above on Fox) report about it, because it falls under the category of exculpatory evidence:

Under the U.S. Constitution, the President is vested with the highest level of authority when it comes to the classification and declassification of documents. See U.S. Const., Art. II,§2 ( The President [is] Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States[.] ). His constitutionally-based authority regarding the classification and declassification of documents is unfettered. See Navy v Egan, 484 U.S. 518, 527 (1988) ( [The President’s] authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant. ).

Any attempt to impose criminal liability on a President or former President that involves his actions with respect to documents marked classified would implicate grave constitutional separation-of-powers issues. Beyond that, the primary criminal statute that governs the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material does not apply to the President. That statute provides, in pertinent part, as follows: Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.18 U.S.C. §1924(a). An element of this offense, which the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, is that the accused is an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States. The President is none of these. See Free Enter. Fund v Pub. Co Acct. Oversight Bd.,561 U.S. 477, 497-98 (2010) (citing U.S. Const., Art.II, §2cl. 2) ( The people do not vote for the ‘Officers of the United States. ‘);see also Melcher v Fed Open Mkt. Comm., 644 F. Supp.510, 518-19 (D.D.C. 1986),aff d,836 F.2d561(D.C. Cir. 1987) ( [a]n officer of the United States can only be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or by a court of law, or the head of a department. A person who does not derive his position from one of these sources is not an officer of the United States in the sense of the Constitution. ). Thus, the statute does not apply to acts by a President. Case 9:22-mj-08332-BER Document 102-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 08/26/2022 Page 35 of38 

This proves that the former president has broken no laws, and that all claims to the contrary are the result of a political witch hunt.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Monday, August 22, 2022

Our Elite Need to Put More Skin in the Game

Victor Davis Hanson, "The Worst and the Stupidest?"
Our elites are now viewed with the disdain they have earned on their own merits. And they are none too happy about it.


Elites have always been ambiguous about the muscular classes who replace their tires, paint their homes, and cook their food. And the masses who tend to them likewise have been ambivalent about those who hire them: appreciative of the work and pay, but also either a bit envious of those with seemingly unlimited resources or turned off by perceived superciliousness arising from their status and affluence.

Yet the divide has grown far wider in the 21st century. Globalization fueled the separation in a number of ways.

One, outsourcing and offshoring eroded the rust-belt interior, while enriching the two coasts. The former lost good-paying jobs, while the latter found new markets in investment, tech, insurance, law, media, academia, entertainment, sports, and the arts making them billions rather than mere millions.

So, the problem was one of both geography and class. Half the country looked to Asia and Europe for profits and indeed cultural “diversity,” while the other half stuck with tradition, values, and custom—as they became poorer.

The elite found in the truly poor—neglecting their old union-member, blue-collar Democratic base—an outlet for their guilt, noblesse oblige, condescension at a safe distance, call it what you will. The poor if kept distant were fetishized, while the middle class was demonized for lacking the taste of the professional classes, and romance of the far distant underclass.

Second, race became increasingly divorced from class—a phenomenon largely birthed by guilty, wealthy, white elites and privileged, diverse professionals. For the white bicoastal elite, it became a mark of their progressive fides to champion woke racialism that empowered the non-white of their own affluent class, while projecting their own discomfort with and fears of the nonwhite poor onto the middle class as supposed “racists,” despite the latter’s more frequently living among, marrying within, and associating with the “other.”

The net result was more privilege for the elite and wealthy nonwhites, more neglect of the inner-city needy, and more disdain for the supposedly illiberal clingers, dregs, deplorables, chumps, and irredeemables.

The results of these contortions were surreal. The twentysomething who coded a video game that went viral globally became a master of the universe, while the brilliant carpenter or electrical contractor was seen as hopelessly trapped in a world of muscular stasis. Oprah and LeBron James were victims. So were the likes of Ibram X. Kendi, Ilhan Omar, and the Obamas, while the struggling Ohio truck driver, the sergeant on the frontline in Afghanistan, and Indiana plant worker became their oppressors. Or so the progressive bicoastal elite instructed us.

Globalization and its geography, along with the end of ecumenical class concerns, certainly widened the ancient mass-elite divide. But there was a third catalyst that explained the mutual animosity in the pre-Trump years. The masses increasingly could not see any reason for elite status other than expertise in navigating the system for lucrative compensation.

An Incompetent Elite

In short, money and education certification were no longer synonymous with any sense of competency or expertise. Just the opposite often became true. Those who thought up some of the most destructive, crackpot, and dangerous policies in American history were precisely those who were degreed and well-off and careful to ensure they were never subject to the destructive consequences of their own pernicious ideologies.

The masses of homeless in our streets were a consequence of various therapeutic bromides antithetical to the ancient, sound notions of mental hospitals. The new theories ignored the responsibilities of nuclear families to take care of their own, and the assumption that hard-drug use was not a legitimate personal-choice, but rather a catastrophe for all of society.

From universities also came critical race theory and critical legal theory, which were enshrined throughout our institutions. The bizarre idea that “good” racism was justified as a get-even-response to “bad” racism, resonated as ahistorical, illogical, and plain, old-fashioned race-based hatred.

The masses never understood why their children should attend colleges where obsessions with superficial appearances were celebrated as “diversity,” graduation ceremonies matter-of-factly were segregated by race, dorms that were racially exclusive were lauded as “theme houses,” Jim-Crow-style set-aside zones were rebranded “safe spaces,” and racial quotas were merely “affirmative action.”

Ancient notions such as that punishment deters crime were laughed at by the degreed who gave us the current big-city district attorneys. Their experiments with decriminalizing violent acts, defunding the police, and delegitimizing incarceration led to a Lord of the Flies-style anarchy in our major cities. Note well, those with advanced or professional degrees who dreamed all this up did not often live in defunded police zones, did not have homeless people on their lawns, and found ways for their children to navigate around racial quotes in elite college admissions.

So, the credentialed lost their marginal reputations for competency. Were we really to believe 50 former intelligence heads and experts who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? Even if they were not simply biased, did any of them have the competence to determine what the laptop was?

Or were we to take seriously the expertise of “17 Nobel Prize winners” who swore Biden’s “Build Back Better” debacle would not be inflationary as the country went into 9 percent plus inflation? Did we really believe our retired four-stars that Trump was a Nazi, a Mussolini, and someone to be removed from office “the sooner the better”?

Or were we to trust the 1,200 “health care professionals” who assured us that, medically speaking, while the rest of society was locked down it was injurious for the health of people of color to follow curfews and mask mandates instead of thronging en masse in street protests?

Or were we to believe Kevin Clinesmith’s FISA writ, or Andrew McCabe’s four-time assertion that he did not leak to the media, or that James Comey under oath really did not know the answers to 245 inquiries? Did Robert Mueller really not know what either the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS was?

Middle Class Competence

On the operational level, the elite proved even more suspect. Militarily, the middle classes in the armed forces proved as lethal as ever, despite being demonized as racists and white supremacists. But their generals, diplomats and politicians proved so often incompetent in translating their tactical victories in the Middle East and elsewhere into strategic success or even mere advantage.

Nationally, the failure of the elite that transcends politics is even more manifest. The country is $30 trillion in debt. No one has the courage to simply stop printing money. The border is nonexistent, downtown America is a No Man’s Land, and our air travel is a circus—and not an “expert” can be found willing or able to fix things. Is Pete Buttigieg the answer to thousands of canceled flights or backed-up ports? Is Alejandro Mayorkas to be believed when he assures the border is “closed” and “secure” as millions flood across?

The universities are turning out mediocre graduates without the skills or knowledge of a generation ago, but certainly with both greater debt and arrogance.

Our bureaucratic fixers can only regulate, stop, retard, slow-down, or destroy freeways, dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, ports, and refineries—and yet never seem to give up their own driving, enjoyment of stored water, or buying of imported goods.

Is it easier to topple than to sculpt a statue?

A generation from now, in the emperor has no clothes fashion, someone may innocently conclude that most “research” in the social sciences and humanities of our age is as unreliable as it is unreadable, or that the frequent copy-cat Hollywood remakes of old films were far worse than the originals.

Does anyone think a Jim Acosta is on par with a John Chancellor? That Mark Milley is equal to a Matthew Ridgway? Is Anthony Fauci like a Jonas Salk or an Albert Sabin?

Yet this lack of competence and taste among the elite is not shared to the same degree in a decline of middle-class standards.

Homes are built better than they were in the 1970s. Cars are better assembled than in the 1960s. The electrician, the plumber, and the roofer are as good or better than ever. The soldier stuck in the messy labyrinth of Baghdad or on patrol in the wilds of Afghanistan was every bit as brave and perhaps far more lethal than his Korean War or World War II counterpart.

How does this translate to the American people? They navigate around the detritus of the elite, avoiding big-city downtown USA.

They are skipping movies at theaters. They are passing on watching professional sports. They don’t watch the network news. They think the CDC, NIAID, and NIH are incompetent—and fear their incompetence can prove deadly.

Millions increasingly doubt their children should enroll in either a four-year college or the military, and they assume the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department are as likely to monitor Americans as they are unlikely to find and arrest those engaged in terrorism or espionage.

When the elite peddles its current civil-war or secession porn—projecting onto the middle classes their own fantasies of a red/blue violent confrontation, or their own desires to see a California or New York detached from Mississippi and Wyoming—they have no idea that America’s recent failures are their own failures.

The reason why the United States begs Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil is not because of lazy frackers in Texas or incompetent rig hands in North Dakota, but because of utterly incompetent diplomats, green zealots, and ideological “scientists.”

Had the views of majors and colonels in Afghanistan rather than their superiors in the Pentagon and White House prevailed, there would have been no mass flight or humiliation in Kabul.

Crime is out of control not because we have either sadistic or incompetent police forces but sinister DAs, and mostly failed, limited academics who fabricated their policies.

Current universities produce more bad books, bad teaching, bad ideas, and badly educated students, not because the janitors are on strike, the maintenance people can’t fix the toilets, or the landscapers cannot keep the shrubbery alive, but because their academics and administrators have hidden their own incompetence and lack of academic rigor and teaching expertise behind the veil of woke censoriousness.

The Naked Emperors’ Furious Search for Fig Leaves

The war between blue and red and mass versus elite is really grounded in the reality that those who feel they were the deserved winners of globalization and who are the sole enlightened on matters of social, economic, political, and military policy have no record of recent success, but a long litany of utter failure.

They have become furious that the rest of the country sees through these naked emperors. Note Merrick Garland’s sanctimonious defense of the supposed professionalism of the Justice Department and FBI hierarchies—while even as he pontificated, they were in the very process of leaking and planting sensational “nuclear secrets” narratives to an obsequious media to justify the indefensible political fishing expedition at a former president’s home and current electoral rival to Merrick Garland’s boss.

The masses increasingly view the elites’ money, their ZIP codes, their degrees and certificates, and their titles not just with indifference, but with the disdain they now have earned on their own merits.

And that pushback has made millions of our worst and stupidest quite mad.

Is the GOP Throwing the Mid-Term Elections?

Last week, Tucker Carlson showcased the fact that the GOP is doing its best to lose November’s election.

He included a clip of Mitch McConnell admitting that the GOP would likely not take the Senate. McConnell and the rest of the leadership don’t want to win. Carlson rightly suggested that, if Republicans really wanted to win, they’d run on crime and immigration. While the economy is reportedly voters’ number one issue, it’s what goes on in their neighborhoods and on their streets that matters. If Americans don’t feel safe in their homes, walking down their streets, or sitting in drive-thru lines because they’re scared to go into a restaurant or store, nothing else matters…not the economy, abortion, gender rights, or Ukraine.

Republicans don’t care. They’re complaining about Biden’s spending, bemoaning government overreach, and sanctioning Putin. Those issues aren’t going to return the GOP to power, but Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniel seem sanguine. Their lives don’t change if the GOP doesn’t take back Congress. They’ll still rule their little fiefdoms, still be invited to Georgetown cocktail parties to be feted by lobbyists and, of course, they’ll still be on Sunday morning shows to feign outrage for the latest Democrat policy.

For these grifters, the only difference between winning and losing in November is having to work for the American people…something they’re loathe to do.

But for the average American, the difference between winning and losing in November is literally life and death, lawlessness, or civil society.

The world wouldn’t change overnight on November 8, but what could happen is that the people who control the purse strings, who are supposed to make the laws, could change—just as in 1994.

That’s a big deal because the people running America today are the same people who have been running America’s biggest cities into the ground for decades. And all Americans, whether they live in San Francisco, Manhattan, or Kalamazoo, recognize that America’s coming apart at the seams. From not being able to go a day without seeing another video of a pack of thugs beating a cab driver, or attacking a restaurant employee, to watching a seemingly endless parade of homeless people punching random strangers, Americans are weary. From staring with disbelief as a gang of hoodlums ransacks a convenience store with impunity to watching video after video of people cussing at or otherwise attacking the police, Americans are watching the collapse of our society.

And this is the environment in which Mitch McConnell whines about the quality of the GOP candidates. The problem isn’t Dr. Oz, Eric Schmitt, or Herschel Walker; it’s that the GOP leadership that isn’t doing its job. Where is Newt Gingrich when we need him?

The reality is that this election has been tailor-made for the GOP, but that’s not the way it’s shaping up because McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniel, and their puppeteer, the hack Frank Luntz—who happens to be McCarthy’s roommate, landlord, or whatever—have decided they don’t want to save America. They’d rather sit back in the comfort of their minority position and pretend to care while enjoying the perks of “leadership.”

America needs warriors willing to brave the slings and arrows of the chattering classes, the leftist media, the Washington establishment and, most of all, the fascist NGO influencers who employ mobs on the streets to intimidate citizens and spineless CEOs and coerce into submission anyone who doesn’t agree with their agendas.

If the GOP really wanted to win in November, we’d see a new ad every single day showcasing the violence going on in our streets along with pictures of some thug who’s just assaulted a random senior as a George Soros-funded district attorney just released him without bail. We’d see videos of illegals storming the border. At the end of every single ad would be a simple tagline: “If you want more of this, please vote for my Democrat opponent.... If you want someone who’s going to do something about crime and the quality of American life, vote for me.”

It’s that simple. Democrats have caused myriad problems, but those issues can’t be addressed without majorities, and none of them will flip Congress in November. But images of blood in the streets will. A daily total of national Fentanyl deaths will. Images of career criminals released on bail after having pummeled some teenager into unconsciousness will, and stories of illegal immigrants overwhelming communities will. Imagine if Dr. Oz ran daily ads with videos showcasing Philadelphia’s violence rather than his clownish grocery store disaster? No one in Pennsylvania cares about the price of guacamole, but they care about getting shot or stabbed in their own neighborhoods.

Sadly, I don’t expect the GOP leadership to create such a Contract with America Deux. They’re cowards and grifters. Such a campaign would require backbone against the predictable cries of “racism” that would emerge because most of the videos involve young Black hoodlums and thugs. They would be branded racists by the race pimps and the professional victimization industry.

Those attacks would come as surely as night follows day. But, so what? It just happens to be the case that most of the crimes we see involve Black perps freed from the justice system in the name of “equity.” If there are similar videos of White perps, they should be shown too. The reality is, if you’re a victim of murder or rape it doesn’t matter what the criminal looks like. Is a dead Black child any more or less dead because his attacker was Black or White? No. Crime is off the charts not because of the pigment of anyone’s skin, but because of the policies of the Democrat party.

Republicans need to understand their constituency is not the criminal class of any race. Their constituency is the average American of every race. It’s Americans who want to send their kids to school without them having to step over junkies or human feces. It’s the average American who wants to go to work without fearing getting shot or robbed before making it home.

The rule of law and responsibility for one’s actions are the foundations of a civilized society. Without them, there is no civilized society. That’s what we’re experiencing with Democrats in charge, and it seems as if the GOP leadership is OK with that. We, however, are not. This is the hill to die on, this is the hill upon which America will either recover or slide into the abyss of chaos and tyranny....

We cannot depend on the current GOP “leaders” to fight this fight. This is going to have to come from the candidates themselves and a 2022 Gingrich to nationalize this election and help push the feckless GOP across the finish line. McConnell may not be capable of leading the country out of this morass, but at least with a GOP majority in November, we can slow our collapse into a dystopian nightmare until people of character can replace him. Being in the majority is the first step. Then, we need candidates with the courage to stand up and fight for the average American, regardless of the invective that will surely be headed their way…

Friday, August 19, 2022

Meanwhile, back at the Uni-Party Club...

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Fauci Admits to Making the Covid-19 Virus

Russia, if You're Listening... 

 Hear his "stunning" admission!

Mission Accomplished! - The Economy is FIXED!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Best is Yet to Come... Trump 2024!

The Raid on Mar a Lago (Security Cam Footage):